The other day at BJ's Wholesale I saw a small under-the-seat carry-on bag on clearance for $25. I thought it might be a good "go-bag" for my radio hobby and it is a good choice. There are plenty of pockets for notebooks and small items. The two side pockets work well for handheld radios and antennas. There is a padded laptop sleeve that will fit up to a 14 inch laptop. My main 15 inch laptop will not fit, but I have a 14 inch laptop that will fit.
I use a smaller case to hold my SDRplay and I can store it in the main compartment. My Icom IC-R8600 will also fit with plenty of room, but it could get damaged by the handle shaft going up the back center of the case. There is a thin zippered cover, so it might be possible to put foam behind the covering to pad the handle shaft.
Lansing Under the Seat Wheeled Carry-On
73 Eric
The other day at BJ's Wholesale I saw a small under-the-seat carry-on bag on clearance for $25. I thought it might be a good "go-bag" for my radio hobby and it is a good choice. There are plenty of pockets for notebooks and small items. The two side pockets work well for handheld radios and antennas. There is a padded laptop sleeve that will fit up to a 14 inch laptop. My main 15 inch laptop will not fit, but I have a 14 inch laptop that will fit.
I use a smaller case to hold my SDRplay and I can store it in the main compartment. My Icom IC-R8600 will also fit with plenty of room, but it could get damaged by the handle shaft going up the back center of the case. There is a thin zippered cover, so it might be possible to put foam behind the covering to pad the handle shaft.
Lansing Under the Seat Wheeled Carry-On
73 Eric