ON AIR TODAY Weds June 05 24 UTC 16:00 15m band


Omni low angle radiator
Dec 14, 2021
United Kingdom
till sunset around UTC 20:15 (UK time 21:15)

I am going to be on 15m band this evening UK time from 16:00 approx UTC, calling with a G sign portable. Likely to be a good signal compared to any other UK portable. Not blowing my own trumpet here but few are doing portable how I do it over here. ICOM 7300 100W - 1/2 wave mono band fed at 13 meters in an elevated / very low noise location. To give you an idea of my RX I can most likely work you hear you if you are S0/S1 without a problem.

So I hope conditions are favourable. I generally do well into Caribbean and S.America that time of day and of course USA/Canada if the Atlantic path becomes open. Sometimes managing Western states as well.

Today SFI is high 192, A and K quite low so today should be a good day in theory unless a flare blows the ionosphere out. Let's hope not.

Charged my head torch for packing up time and will be out there. Once on band I will let you know on this thread.

I'll be calling a lot so if you fancy a spinning around 15m and having a listen for me that would be great. The more the merrier... good DX whatever you do.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Charged my head torch...
Proving once again that the UK and the US are two nations separated by a common language. "Charged the head torch" painted a picture in my mind that was probably different from what you were thinking.

Enjoy your outing. I hope you make lots of contacts. And, I hope that you have plenty of light. ;)


Premium Subscriber
Apr 13, 2008
till sunset around UTC 20:15 (UK time 21:15)

I am going to be on 15m band this evening UK time from 16:00 approx UTC, calling with a G sign portable. Likely to be a good signal compared to any other UK portable. Not blowing my own trumpet here but few are doing portable how I do it over here. ICOM 7300 100W - 1/2 wave mono band fed at 13 meters in an elevated / very low noise location. To give you an idea of my RX I can most likely work you hear you if you are S0/S1 without a problem.

So I hope conditions are favourable. I generally do well into Caribbean and S.America that time of day and of course USA/Canada if the Atlantic path becomes open. Sometimes managing Western states as well.

Today SFI is high 192, A and K quite low so today should be a good day in theory unless a flare blows the ionosphere out. Let's hope not.

Charged my head torch for packing up time and will be out there. Once on band I will let you know on this thread.

I'll be calling a lot so if you fancy a spinning around 15m and having a listen for me that would be great. The more the merrier... good DX whatever you do.
I'll be listening if the forecasted thunderstorms don't appear. However, is your date and our date not the same? Today here in SC is 5 June 2024, Wednesday.


Omni low angle radiator
Dec 14, 2021
United Kingdom
Sorry and well spotted it was cause I was trying to write it the way US does.

I cannot correct it now but I am about to leave for the QTH.

It is indeed today 05 June 2024 !!!!!!!!!!!

I am now on air but unless the approval of my post is removed will not be time...I am in 15m now