Picked up a frequency of 168.5875 p25 encrypted around groton today. Wondering if anyone knows what that might be. Couldn't find anything yet, and I've look around quite a bit.
Couple of places on Google show this as "168.5875 Diplomatic Protection Division 2". I can confirm that I heard it today, and it is definitely P25 ENC. No regular P25 heard yet. Will scan 16X.XXX to see if I can hear anything else.
This may be Plum Island security. They have there own security,fire/EMS depts out on the island. You may see there patrol boat sometimes cruising around just off the island they will also chase you away with the boat if you get to close. They are part of the Dept. of Agriculture.
This may be Plum Island security. They have there own security,fire/EMS depts out on the island. You may see there patrol boat sometimes cruising around just off the island they will also chase you away with the boat if you get to close. They are part of the Dept. of Agriculture.