fuzzymoto said:
I'm hearing quite a bit of activity today for PSP Wyoming on 155.5050 however I never seem to hear the cars/troopers reply. Does anyone know if they reply on a different frequency or it's just the fact that the cars are not repeated and I'm not hearing the weaker car signal.
Most PSP dispatch channels have separate base and mobile frequencies.
Channel C is 155.505 (Base) and 155.850 (Mobiles). You will only hear mobiles if they're within range. The bases transmit by activating various tower sites depending on where the mobile unit is they need to speak with. Mobile units are not repeated on the base frequency at most locations.
Channel G is the same freq for base and mobiles so barracks using this channel have the dispatch and troopers on the same freq.
Channels D and E are operated in a repeater mode in some areas.