At least i don't have these problems here, don't even need a permit to put up a tower. When i went to the city administrator before putting up my first tower i was told "nothing on the books about it so i don't have anything for you". After asking a few more people i was told "as long as your below the 200ft requirement for the airport", etc..
So a couple years later and i am almost done putting up my second tower. Not one complaint yet, but then i have neighbors that don't really have anything that i can interfere with now, everyone has switched to cable, most have bought new tv's, and many are using 5ghz cordless phones or cell phones instead of cheap wall phones.
I had one case where a neighbor thought something from me might be interfering with his AM radio while trying to listen to Paul Harvey one day. I was in the back yard though so he wandered over and asked if i could listen to this "odd noise" on his radio. I went over and heard the distinct sound of a digital telemetry transmitter, i've heard this many times before after the local hardware store started selling these wireless weather stations, and i looked up on the wall and asked him when he installed that weather station, why it was just yesterday, then he took it off the wall and moved it a couple feet away from the radio and the noise went away.
Of course now he was happy, he knew the problem and that he caused it himself.. Case closed. My neighbors are pretty understanding. If they have a problem they come to me first, they know that i am understanding and will help, so that makes a big difference as well. I don't know this guys full problem, but i suspect that he might have clashed a bit with his neighbors before it got this far.
A few phone line filters, or filters for the tv's of those still using an antenna, goes a long way. I can tell another story along these lines. Last year the cable tv went fuzzy, it was off and on, it would come and go, but it happened at times that i was not home as well. I went out and tracked down a few spots in the alley where there was exposed cable, some of which looks to have been damaged for some time. I made a couple phone calls and showed the damage to one of my neighbors, the cable company came out and fixed it and everyones signal improved drastically. I became the good guy on the block once again "he gets things done" etc..
Just be neighborly in your hobbies as well as in your lifestyle, is that too much to ask?