Parkin is almost as bad as Detroit.....once great town run by inept & corrupt liberals.
Layoff of 10 is latest round in Parkin spat
Contempt cited, 2 Parkin aldermen jailed for weekend
Rumor has it these two idiots have been stealing from the city and tried last year to bar the mayor any access to city bank accounts. Then again the police dept. was nothing more than revenue generation that borders on criminal activity - bait & switch speeding stops that all go to the city for so called "inattentive driving". Town locals with expired tags or defective equipment get no tickets, one fool drives a riding lawn mower as a car, pulls his girlfriend in a small trailer sitting in a kitchen chair (I'll post a pic if I can get one!), selective enforcement of seat belt usage. It's a mess, so much so it's almost comical.
I drive through Parkin twice a day to and from work. It is nothing to see 3 cars at various places along Hwy 64 running radar and on traffic stops. Any TN tags towing an RV, boat or jet-skis are prime targets - west bound on Friday / east bound on Sunday.
Sadly most towns like Parkin hire either uncertified officers and work them until the time restrictions limit their ticket writing usefulness or, like Bald Knob, they have overzealous officers - Erik Ballentine is a former Parkin officer - that overstep their authority.
Situations like these make scanners a valuable tool for the citizenry to keep tabs on what happens in their community and keep the "powers that be" in check. Too bad for most folks that Cross Co. SO is on a DMR system.
Old post but still applicable....
The officer in the above post is the CID with the Cross Co. SO. At the time he was working in Parkin due to him and several other deputies getting into a jam over an illegal strip search of a female inmate by male deputies. Most were allowed to resign rather than be terminated so as to be rehired later after the uproar over the strip search died down.