Just an update for you guys - I spoke with my friend that works behind-the-scenes, and he confirmed what I suspected when it comes to these TGID's being heard across multiple troops.
With the NJSP system now a full-fledged SmartZone OmniLink, patches aren't used anymore unless needed for a special purpose. As an example, those of us that are hearing C3-5 on Troop B are hearing that because someone with a radio that has it's primary assignment on Troop C is keeping that said radio tuned to C3-5 while physically having the radio in Troop B's geographical coverage area.
Possibly a supervisor that takes their vehicle home or a Trooper that patrols in 5-COMM's area and lives up here (and leaves his HT on in the charger) are both valid possible reasons why we're hearing such interesting stuff since January.
This is just a larger-scale example of automatic cross-affiliation that takes place all day long on Burlington County's system...