Yep. America is now officially COMMUNIST China.
phil_smith said:
My bad, you've actually got into trouble for throwing an object at a motor vehicle, assault on a police officer, criminal tresspassing, obstructing an officer, and use of body armor in commision of a felony.
They wouldn't dare nail me for rolling Captain Pecker. First Amendment and all that ****. So, ONE lone, dirty cop, and ONE dishonest motorist, made up some bull**** charge. DA Tim wanted 5 in. Judge says, "NO way, Tay didn't thrown NUTHIN' at NO honky motorist."
But, he still huffed and puffed REAL big and threw EVERYTHING he had at me: Three years probation, $3,000 fine, 100 hours, monthly urine tests, full-time, gainful employment, NO protests, and ANGER management class! I got every down except the full-time job. Anybody wanna hire an EX-con? Freedom AIN'T free, ya know.
Maybe I shoulda gone to trial. But, what honky jury of 12 would ever believe a mad chinaman with a BIG dick, even if there was NO object in the evidence room? So, I copped out, raised my right hand, and LIED my ass of. Pled guilty.
If you were rolling a BIG dick in this town, flippin' off motorists, and displaying a sign: GET A BONER, NOT A BOMB, on 3 April 2003, the start of the Iraqi Invasion, wouldn't you be wearing KEVLAR too?
Hey, Genius, if anyone in this town really believes I threw anything but the middle finger against the war, go look at the evidence for yourself. They wanted to get a BIG dick off the roadway.
As for the trespassing charge, I walked into the 81st Street Wally World with a DILDO strapped onto my helmet after a film shoot, while buying cheapo frozen dinners for work. NOBODY likes a wise guy with a fetish for the First Amendment. When the cop stopped me and asked for my name, I told him Bubba B. Bonehead. I was trying to tell the truth. Only Bubba B. Bonehead would ever walk into a Wally World to buy cheapo frozen dinners for work. So, the bastard nails me for OBSTRUCTING. Anything to get a BIG dick off the roadway. Welcome to the Nazi Republic of AMERICA.
One of these days, people, mark my words, the PEOPLE will tire of infringements on their Free Speech rights, and resort to the Second Amendment. That's why Congress made the First Amendment, the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment the Second Amendment. Hopefully, when that day comes, I will be long gone, six-feet UNDER.
Hey, people, just keep yer heads in the sand, look away, and you'll get your poetic JUSTICE. Cops can bust Santa ANYTIME they like. Hell, they can bust ANYONE, ANYTIME they like, no matter of guilt or innocence. It's called punishment by PROCESS.
Guess what, guys? It's 27 December. But, Christmas AIN'T over by a long shot. Everyday they let Santa vote and run for public office, is Christmas. WILL SING NAKED 4 $1.
Hey, Phil, take yer sorry-ass, piece o'**** COMMIE crap and SHOVE it up where da sun don't SHINE.