I wish to inform you of a new version of PCR AnyWhere, the software to access Icom IC-PCR receivers through the web.
We are now at version 1.5. The main characteristics of this version is that it includes support to the model Icom IC-PCR1000.
Thanks to TA3AS for his support and for providing me access to a PCR1000.
As usual, you have this new version available for testing at:
Some other small changes have been added. You can check the release notes from the About box of the program.
I will appreciate your feedback.
I wish to inform you of a new version of PCR AnyWhere, the software to access Icom IC-PCR receivers through the web.
We are now at version 1.5. The main characteristics of this version is that it includes support to the model Icom IC-PCR1000.
Thanks to TA3AS for his support and for providing me access to a PCR1000.
As usual, you have this new version available for testing at:
Some other small changes have been added. You can check the release notes from the About box of the program.
I will appreciate your feedback.