PCR2500 / R2500 User Manual

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hotdjdave said:
Go here to see the iCOM IC-PCR2500 / IC-R2500 User Manual (full .pdf version):


If you can't access the file, you can join this group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PCR2500/join

I saw how you took that from that other guy's database. That wasn't very cool.

I also saw how you promised this guy co-ownership of your group if he agreed to combine his with yours. He accepted, but you left him out to dry. That wasn't cool either.

Then you removed his file after you found another. You uploaded that 2nd one to your group to cover your tracks of what you did. That was a horrible thing to do.

You took his file after you found out that he had it (on a forum that you felt was competing with yours), then refused to honor your promise with him.

I doubt anyone will want to join your group now.


K9DJW - Senior Member
Database Admin
May 10, 2005
The Valley (SFV), Los Angeles, CA
Not Too Cool

NWTSCL said:
I saw how you took that from that other guy's database. That wasn't very cool.
I didn't know he owned iCOM and iCOM's publications.

NWTSCL said:
I also saw how you promised this guy co-ownership of your group if he agreed to combine his with yours. He accepted, but you left him out to dry. That wasn't cool either.
I offered for him to be a moderator, not to be an owner. At the time, he had like 1 or 2 members (he still only has like 6) on his group, while the group I created already had over 100 in the first week, so I offered for him to join my group as a moderator and close his so there would not be any confusion to Yahoo Group users as to which group to use. It was he who wanted to be co-owner. I did not accept his offer in that matter. I offered the same thing to another Yahoo Group owner who had only 1 or 2 members as well, there were no problems with that person - none at all. The person closed the group and joined mine (and declined to be a moderator - just wanted to enjoy the group). I still have all the emails for review.

NWTSCL said:
Then you removed his file after you found another. You uploaded that 2nd one to your group to cover your tracks of what you did. That was a horrible thing to do.
I have/had no tracks to cover. That's what I do. That is what I will always do. If I find information about the iCOM IC-PCR2500 on the internet or elsewhere, I am going to post it on the Yahoo Group so the group members can be informed. If there is newer or better information, I will update it. I think the members would want that. As for removing the file, I did it because he seemed to be unhappy that I used his file, so I used another one found on the internet (in fact, it was the same file, just a different source).

NWTSCL said:
You took his file after you found out that he had it (on a forum that you felt was competing with yours), then refused to honor your promise with him.
I don't "feel" his group is "competing" with mine - six members is hardly competition. My group, PCR2500, is open to all whom want to be a member, including him and the members of his group. As for my offer, it was not rescinded. I offered for him to be a moderator. I may have to rethink that offer now, in light of his behavior.

NWTSCL said:
I doubt anyone will want to join your group now.
The PCR2500 Yahoo! Group membership went up from 227 to 244 over night - up six in the last two hours. Others have contacted me privately and told me that I was correct in how I handled the situation. No one has contacted me and told me otherwise.

Now he is flooding the group with a bunch of meaningless messages. Not too mature. Not "cool" at all. :roll:

Look, I do not want to argue with anyone over ownership of a document (especially one that is available to anyone on the internet). If he wants credit, I already gave it to him in the group. He has been given credit for discovering the manual. As for me, I don't need or care for credit. I created the PCR2500 Yahoo! Group to discuss, trade, disseminate, and propagate information about the iCOM PCR2500 scanning receiver and iCOM scanners and receivers in general. I will search the internet and other sources almost daily to find this information and pass it along to the group members. I am sure the members appreciate the effort and the information. The first sentence of the Group statement does read: "Your place to discuss and trade information..." That is exactly what I was doing and will continue to do, for the benefit of the members.

:cool: As for not being "cool," I am not trying to be cool. I just want a place for information about the PCR scanner to be available to all who want it and want to discuss it. What is cool is that we have such a forum to gather, assemble, and display such information.:cool:

Here is the link to the group if anyone is interested:

Thank you for your concern.
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hotdjdave said:
I offered for him to be a moderator, not to be an owner. It was he who wanted to be co-owner. I did not accept his offer in that matter.

Yet you said in your own Yahoo group:

First, sorry for not replying. I get so many emails, sometimes it is hard to keep
track of them all.


You can stip lying any time now.

hotdjdave said:
I have/had no tracks to cover. That's what I do. That is what I will always do. If I find information about the iCOM IC-PCR2500 on the internet or elsewhere, I am going to post it on the Yahoo Group so the group members can be informed.
...with absolutely no regard for copywrite laws. I hope everyone out there with copywrited matterial is wary of you.

hotdjdave said:
As for removing the file, I did it because he seemed to be unhappy that I used his file, so I used another one found on the internet (in fact, it was the same file, just a different source).
I thought you said he didn't own it. No it wasn't a same file. You obviously didn't see his info embeded in the document. He created it, so it is his.

hotdjdave said:
I don't "feel" his group is "competing" with mine - six members is hardly competition.
Yet you expressed a concern about people being confused about where to go... And sure -- he wasn't "competing" once you swiped his document (a document you could not find on your own) and posted it to your group. You uploaded it and did not show where you found it in its description.

hotdjdave said:
As for my offer, it was not rescinded. I offered for him to be a moderator. I may have to rethink that offer now, in light of his behavior.
You never promoted him either, as you said you would. And why would you? He wasn't any use to you after you swiped what he had. I don't think anyone would want to help your group knowing that you will willingly take anything, even copywrited material. That's a huge lawsuit just waiting to happen.

hotdjdave said:
Others have contacted me privately and told me that I was correct in how I handled the situation. No one has contacted me and told me otherwise.
I'm nobody... And I'm willing to bet your "others" are some of the same people he has kicked out of his forums over the years. They aren't such a good source of advice for you there, hotdjdave....

You can stop putting your foot in your mouth. :roll:
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hotdjdave said:
I offered for him to be a moderator, not to be an owner...I offered for him to join my group as a moderator and close his...It was he who wanted to be co-owner.
Let me see if I have this straight. You expected him to shut down his group (a group that he likely put a lot of effort into) in exchange for being a moderator? Moderators can be given absolutely no privileges and can be removed from the group at any time.

Hah! That's a horrible deal! How can you expect anyone to close their group for anything less than co-ownership? :lol:

Are you for real? Are we on Candid Camera?


May 18, 2005
NWTSCL said:
Let me see if I have this straight. You expected him to shut down his group (a group that he likely put a lot of effort into) in exchange for being a moderator? Moderators can be given absolutely no privileges and can be removed from the group at any time.

Hah! That's a horrible deal! How can you expect anyone to close their group for anything less than co-ownership? :lol:

Are you for real? Are we on Candid Camera?

Speaking of moderators, where is ours when we need them? :roll:

First you trash all the PCR groups on Yahoo with this crap, and now here. Get over it! :evil:


MacombMonitor said:
First you trash all the PCR groups on Yahoo with this crap, and now here. Get over it! :evil:
I trasked all the PCR Yahoo groups? What the heck are you talking about? I have never posted in any of them. :confused:

Who needs moderators when vigilante MacombMonitor is always close by to save the day ...?
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May 18, 2005
NWTSCL said:
I trasked all the PCR Yahoo groups? What the heck are you talking about? I have never posted in any of them. :confused:

OK you are correct, you were not the same person ranting about this subject in the Yahoo groups. I apologize. I am sorry for implying that it was you, my mistake.

The post were regarding the same issues, and very similar in content, and I had not paid much attention to the handle being used on Yahoo, as no real names were used there, or here.

I also understand your feelings regarding what happened, but I also think hotdjdave has done all the damage control one can do.

I just think this riff should have stayed on Yahoo, or if it had to carry over to RR, the Tavern would have been a better place for it.

Having just purchased a PCR-1500, understandably I'm trying to find out all I can about it. Problem is, everywhere I go, all I read it this on-going riff about a PDF file. I really think the whole thing was blown way out of proportion.
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