Spark Chariot Driver
Anyone know what has happened to Pike law enforcement on 154.845? Was in the area for work a few weeks ago and when I returned a few days ago it's silent.
Just monitored 154.845 , just saw 1 transmission is 25 minutes. I'll monitor tomorrow for a while.Anyone know what has happened to Pike law enforcement on 154.845? Was in the area for work a few weeks ago and when I returned a few days ago it's silent.
5597 is simulcasting the Troy PD UHF freq (453.575), so I thought that was the Troy PD patch.I have been receiving them all night and this morning on freq. 154.845. But I did notice months ago they are not on TG 5599 anymore. There on TG 5597 now.
5594 has been silent for the past month or two.The Troy patch is 5594 or was at one time
Yeah, it's weird. When I *was* receiving the Sheriff, my SDS100 didn't display "ENC", but it was like there was a form of scrambling or inversion going on with approximately half of the traffic.When they when to TG 5597 it has been very strange. When they was on TG 5599 sometime around the first of the year the audio became really distorted, my 436 was not showing ENC, and they switched to 5597.
Correct.I only get Troy when the skip is good. But I have them as 453.575 with PL 123
That could be any PTT-over-Cellular (PoC) provider. FirstNet, SouthernLinc, TangoTango, 911iNet, etc.I found a article on the Pike County 911 web site that talks about them and Troy going to 4g LTE. Does this mean there gone to something like Fristnet ? I do not know.