I received today two Motorola BPR40 VHF, 5 Watt channel radios. on the push talk side of the radio (left side) there are two lower buttons. When we received the radios, anyone transmitting the LED light was red of course and the receiving LED light was green. Well I was fiddling with them and now the receive LED light when receiving is a brief green and then a solid orange light, indicating .the radio is using an activated PL/DPL mode and when green the PL/DPL mode is deativated. I believe the default from the factory was green receiving. Which mode is the best? Activated or deactivated. My wife and I are using the same 8 frequencies and we do want some privacy when talking unless someone else on the same frequency breaks our squelch . I hope we dont have to send them back to the factory. After fiddling with one of them it returned back to normal receiving- green. If green is normal and we have orange , how do we get back to green without having to return the radios.