Pt Pleasant Beach Police on 476.800 has been all encrypted since about friday night. Both my 396 and 996 has been recieving encrypted P25 on that channel.
kb2vxa said:Hi again,
"...and during the investigation of the stabbing/sexual assault incident, everything was probably encrypted."
"Now that's a big fat probably... NOT. HQ is always in the clear unless the desk officer is off in another room on portable, then like every other unit there's a 50/50 chance of encryption."
Regardless of whether or not HQ is in the clear, it's the units working the job that tell the actual story, and if they encrypt, we're left in the dark. As for my statement about this incident probably being encrypted, I based it on past listening experience.
And may I add that you certainly do have a way with words.
kb2vxa said:Like I said they're clueless. As Forest Gump said, police are like a box of radios, you never know when you'll swallow a transistor.
kb2vxa said:I heard it myself when they tested the new radios, "The switch with the dot and circle doesn't do anything."
Highpockets said:FuelForFire,
I believe the radios are smart enough that it doesn't matter what they are set for, if one car set for encrypted talks to a car not set for it they can still talk to each other. Before TR went full encrypt I would hear that happen all the time.
gcr33 said:And the more you folks discuss different things here and complain about how agencies operate you will see more agencies going encrypted. Sometimes saying less in public is more.
kb2vxa said:"You hit the nail on the head. Being called "CLUELESS" sure helped Point Pleasant Beach figure out how to use their encryption."
What's clueless around here is this thread. Then maybe I'm clueless. I only live here and I'm only familiar with the police and the system, yeah, I'm clueless. Maybe you can explain how calling them clueless helped them figure out how to use the encryption, I'm clueless. Some units are still in the clear, don't know how that happened, I'm soooo clueless.
Frankly I'm sorry I ever tried to help you out, please don't ask me again.