A Connecticut newspaper has thrown a spotlight on an on-going feud between officers and dispatchers at the town of Madison Police Department, documented by 160 pages of memos written over the last year. Newly-appointed police chief John Drumm is working to solve the dispute, which centers over alleged mistakes by dispatchers, and claims by the dispatchers that they're the scapegoat for officer errors. The comm center was operated by the police department until 2005, when it was moved administratively to the Emergency Management office. However, the center physically remained at the police department. The officers' complaints sometimes picked on typographical errors in the CAD entries, and which didn't affect locations or names. However, other errors included unverified locations and incomplete information. Read more here http://www.nhregister.com/articles/2010/02/01/news/shoreline/a1-mon-madispatcher-art-webthrow.txt