I don't believe that's the case, as I have every freq programmed, and i know their 400mhz EMS freq's are repeater out...they have roughly the same signal as the others.
Thanks for the advice. I just grabbed what I have. I also have an old A99 I could've hooked to, but I was outside enjoying the cool night air with a nice cigar at the time and the Wilson 1k was right beside me with the BNC connector on it. I programmed them into the Pro-106 after doing the test on the old BC and just switched it to NFM mode, seems to come in roughly the same as FM. Though I've done a bit of tweaking to the settings and it seems to come in a bit better. I haven't had my Pro-106 for long, I wasn't able to justify the price of one after just buying a Mustang GT.
As for antenna upgrades, any antenna upgrades will be focused on the 800mhz range for the WARRS P25 system. I'm thinking of trying just a basic RS 800mhz rubber duck as a starter. I'm fairly new to monitoring anything outside of VHF High, UHF T, and some 2 Meter.