Sorry for the delay in this post. Spent time out of town this past weekend. Ok, So here are the Freqs i have programed into my PSR-500.
156.210000, 155.655000,155.310000,151.385000,159.135000,154.100000,154.890000,155.805000,153.980000,
155.580000,460.362500,155.220000,151.107500, AM 27.185000,FM 156.800000,AM 27.165000.
As you can see I do have 155.65500 ( 131.8PL) in the unit. As per the listings for Portage Co. thats where they are said to be. But im 100% sure. As of last Friday Mantua PD (1000) uints are not on this freq. I was sitting next to one when he used his radio to do a check up with disbatch. And my scanner never made a peep. I tried asking hi what freq. they are on and got no answer. I'm wondering if there on a encrypted channel???