Post-purchase Specific Channel Programming help for Northern Johnson County (Greenwood, Bargersville et al)

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Jun 29, 2023
I just received a BCD436HP. I made that decision following these 2-posts: Pre-Purchase Help for Northern Johnson County (Bargersville Locale)
BCD325P2 or BCD436HP as my 2nd. Scanner Purchase in 45 years?

I've been struggling with programming, specifically what Favorites to specify. I've scrutinized the RR Database for Marion and Johnson Counties and am trying to associate what I see there, with what I find on Sentinel's output.

First, living in Bargersville, I wonder if I will be able to pick-up Indy PD and FD channels? If absolutely not, there is obviously no need to program them. Also, closer to home, I would like to know what Johnson County/Greenwood/Whiteland/Franklin and any other areas you would recommend?

Basically, using Sentinel for Indiana, I looked: <Statewide>/<Indiana Project SAFE-T> for Indy (Marion County), and then further down to <County>. But I'm at a loss what specifically to select. Thus, once I’m in the correct section, what do I pick for fire and police, to put in my favorites? And/or for public safety channels, what would you recommend?

Compared to Sentinel's aggregation of RR data, I tried Butel AR536Pro and selected: Statewide/Truck Systems/Ind. Project Hoosier SAFE-T/….and received:
  • Sites: 156
  • Talkgroups: 2227
Compared to opening one sub-menu after another in Sentinel (and trying to keep straight what I was looking at), Butel helped keep me from going cross-eyed. ;) At any rate, I still don’t know what to select for PD and FD in Indy (if in fact, I can receive any signals 20-miles from Monument Circle, using the 436's OEM antenna). And of course what PD/FD channels to select for Johnson County and surrounding towns and counties like for example: Franklin & Morgan respectively.

Like anything else, once it’s known, it’s easy. But, based on my location, I would sure like to know what specific Favorite(s) input you would begin with.

Also, please be mindful that I’m at the bottom of a learning curve when it comes to scanners and what to scan. So much so, that I had trouble inserting the time. I wondered, what the heck are these plus and minus numbers? Yeah, GMT offsets!! Another instance of it's easy once you know!!! So, it would be a big help for someone to provide specific recommendations relative to my location. Like output in the form of Sentinel or Butel output, that I could find in either program; which I could then insert into a Favorite list or two, that would get me up an running with something interesting. Because without knowing accurate input, I wouldn't know if I had ears or not, on the longer distance signals like Indy et al....Thanks!

PS. BTW, I tried the Zip code programming method and then setting the scanner to limit range to 20-mi. and turned-off most nationwide systems & service types. The scanner was scanning, but I didn't have a clue what I was receiving, because I didn't insert it. Also, I didn't know if the appropriate PD and FD channels were inputted and if they were, whether they were too distant to receive.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 22, 2018
At any rate, I still don’t know what to select for PD and FD in Indy
If I'm reading this correctly, you've been looking for Indy PD under SAFE-T. Indianapolis Metro Police and Fire are on the IDPS/MESA system, not SAFE-T. (See this system: Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Trunking System, Indianapolis, Indiana). If I'm reading this wrong, please forgive me.

As far as whether or not you'll pick up IMPD/IFD in Bargersville, I can't speak for this as the furthest I've ever gone south while scanning is Greenwood. I would say it's unlikely, but take this with a grain of salt, because I've never tried that far south. It doesn't hurt to program it in and try. You can always program it in for when you go up to Indy as well!

I would like to know what Johnson County/Greenwood/Whiteland/Franklin and any other areas you would recommend?
It might be worth programming in surrounding sites that might be within range of your town. Martinsville (Site 059), Greenwood (Site 077), and Mooresville (Site 016) - though this is a stretch*

You can program those in, scan via ID Search, and find which TG's you might be able to access from that area.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Program in anything of interest. Its a handheld scanner so something you might not receive at your home, may be able to be received from other locations you may bring the scanner. For zipcode from home, lowering the range will reduce much of the further away stuff.

Read up on Sentinel "Add Channels On Range". Quick easy way to create favorites. Enter zip, select service types let it create a list. The review the list and weed out anything you have no interest in, then write to the scanner.



D1 Hater
May 8, 2020
The 317
Fire talkgroups in Johnson County are countywide and used by everyone. Greenwood Police is on North Control, Sheriff and everyone else is on the Central and County Control talkgroups. You might want to program the ISP District 52 talkgroups as well. Johnson County is in DNR District 6, so you could program South Region dispatch and the District 6 talkgroups too. D6 units all start with 6 on the radio. INDOT Seymour District includes Johnson County, with Johnson being in the Columbus subdistrict. You can program those talkgroups too, but be mindful that the Greenwood site won't carry INDOT talkgroups iirc. Your best bet is to program the Greenwood and Franklin sites.


Jun 29, 2023
Thanks for the suggestions and information. You have given me some other avenues to explore and locations to consider. With my knowledge boarding on being a tad bit better than dangerous, I still have a bunch to learn.

If I'm reading this correctly, you've been looking for Indy PD under SAFE-T. Indianapolis Metro Police and Fire are on the IDPS/MESA system, not SAFE-T. (See this system: Metropolitan Emergency Services Agency (MESA) (Formerly IDPS) Trunking System, Indianapolis, Indiana). If I'm reading this wrong, please forgive me.

Your reading was correct and even it was otherwise, no forgiveness is ever required. I'm just thankful that everyone here, has been so graciously helpful. It's impossible to overestimate my knowledge concerning the use of the 436HP and scanning in general.

Basically, the more I have read, looked and the more I've exploded Sentinel's Indiana's drop-downs, the more confusing it became trying to locate the PD's/FD's/EMS related frequencies that I want to scan. Regarding what to scan, one has to first understand what's what and then try to find it. I'm less than 100% certain about the answer to either what's what, or to recognize it when I see it (if that makes sense?). Hence my questions here.

However, with Sentinel (& other software) being able to write and re-write, it's easy to melt and then re-pour (as it were). So, I will play around with doing something, even if it is wrong. Although difficult, the learning process for both the scanner and what to scan, has been less difficult than I expected. I'm thankful for that, and everyone's assistance in my attempt to prove that an old fart can indeed learn new tricks (grin)...


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
...the more confusing it became trying to locate the PD's/FD's/EMS related frequencies that I want to scan
I find it helpful to have the applicable RadioReference database page open while programming with Sentinel. There are notes and organizational clues in the database that don't translate over to the Sentinel import.


Jun 29, 2023
I find it helpful to have the applicable RadioReference database page open while programming with Sentinel. There are notes and organizational clues in the database that don't translate over to the Sentinel import.

Prior to my posting this thread, I did visit the RR database. I even had it open trying to correlate what I was seeing in it, with Sentinel. Yet, not understanding the in's and out's of everything yet, I still found myself scratching my head -- i.e., now, exactly which one do I pick for what?

My first mistake was assuming the term "conventional" meant analog. So, I disregarded the <Conventional> menu in Bu-Tel & selected <Trunked>. In hindsight, I believe "conventional" simply means non-trunked. So, my mistake in Bu-Tel, was selecting "trunked" vs "conventional" from which to download RR data. Per the attached BuTel picture, I believe these are the Marion County (Indy) PD channels from which to select. Have I got it, or am I still out to lunch? If the screenshot is correct, Bu-Tel helped in my case vs Sentinel. But then again, I have to be knowledgeable enough with the scanner and agency vocabulary, to understand what to select using Bu-Tel. At any rate, I believe I'm again unstuck and can proceed to plow ahead....Thanks guys!!


  • Arc536PRO Marion County.jpg
    Arc536PRO Marion County.jpg
    163.2 KB · Views: 14


D1 Hater
May 8, 2020
The 317
No, those are old VHF frequencies used by a few East District officers for car to car and talkaround stuff. I rarely hear a peep on them. IMPD as well as all Marion County public safety uses the MESA system. Most IMPD tactical and special ops talkgroups is encrypted.

Here is the system:

IMPD's talkgroups:


Jun 29, 2023
Got it, thanks for the clarification! Over the last couple weeks, I've been listening to Marion County public safety on Broadcastify. If I'm too far out to pick them up on the 436, then there's Broadcastify....


D1 Hater
May 8, 2020
The 317
You're probably close enough to pick up Marion County. I can get them well down into Johnson County and as far west as Pittsboro. Also, since you're far enough outside the county, simulcast should not be an issue.


Jun 29, 2023
You're probably close enough to pick up Marion County. I can get them well down into Johnson County and as far west as Pittsboro. Also, since you're far enough outside the county, simulcast should not be an issue.
Good to know! That was my hope regarding picking-up Marion County. And a very uneducated guess suggested what you said, that simulcast may "not be an issue". But then again, until a week ago, I didn't know what simulcast meant regarding radio transmissions and receivers/scanners.


Jun 29, 2023


Jun 29, 2023
Using Sentinel, I was able to create favorites for Marion and Johnson Counties. I'm listening to Marion PD and FD now. What I'm receiving is coming in loud and clear for the most part.

I tried Butel and Proscan and favored the former. Arc536Pro for my BCD436HP, was more intuitive, easier/less steps, to read and download the RadioReference database, than Proscan. I also preferred Butel's virtual scanner's look and feel. The display was in color and it had a more modern look vs the overall vintage/freeware look of Proscan. Just my 2-cents of course. Given aesthetics & what software and OS one is accustomed, everone's mileage will generally vary. I have purchased neither software package thus far.


Jun 29, 2023
Here's my Johnson County and other areas Arc536 files.
Super, thanks so much! A tip of my hat to you!!!

With my zip-code related attempt to pull-in everything PD, FD related et al, I'm receiving counties I hadn't thought I would, as well as the State Police Region 5. Though, not much if any, Indy PD. So, I'm wondering if the zip code picked-up what I had hoped? I have anything that could possibly be a PD-related Service Type ON & everything else OFF. So, I would have thought that Indy MESA would have been included.

Letting the scanner do its thing, I'm not absolutely sure what's being scanned and what isn't. Also, I'm still dubious about what I should be using. I've studied the RR database, especially the above links. But I believe I'm still flying partially blind, regarding what actually should be programmed. So, your attached Arc536 files are more than appreciated! Cheers!!


Jun 29, 2023
Ok, I jumped too soon with my above Proscan comments. The virtual display tends to work better when the appropriate scanner is selected from the drop-down....doh!!:oops: Also, it seems that Proscan will connect to a LAN; whereas Butel ArcPro may not. I need to do more research and fiddling with both Apps., before I reach the demo time of 15-days on Butel. ProSan at a 30-day demo has the win here!


Jun 29, 2023
Super, thanks so much! A tip of my hat to you!!!

With my zip-code related attempt to pull-in everything PD, FD related et al, I'm receiving counties I hadn't thought I would, as well as the State Police Region 5. Though, not much if any, Indy PD. So, I'm wondering if the zip code picked-up what I had hoped? I have anything that could possibly be a PD-related Service Type ON & everything else OFF. So, I would have thought that Indy MESA would have been included.

Letting the scanner do its thing, I'm not absolutely sure what's being scanned and what isn't. Also, I'm still dubious about what I should be using. I've studied the RR database, especially the above links. But I believe I'm still flying partially blind, regarding what actually should be programmed. So, your attached Arc536 files are more than appreciated! Cheers!!
Hi cubn, I took a peek at the files you sent and WOW, very nice, even more so than I had anticipated!! Using ProSan I selected what to import and bam, I "Wrote" it to the scanner. All is well with the little piece of it anyway.

After actually reading ProScan's installation instructions and plugging in the correct scanner model -- like Linda Blair in the "Exorcist" -- my head has been completely turned around (sans spewing green effluent:)) from my original ProScan thoughts. ProScan Pro is a keeper!! Bob's involvement on RR is also a positive factor.

Related to my 2-channel & home theater audiophile hobby, I've bought hardware and software from boutique hardware designers and developers with great results. I have enjoyed their products and applaud their diligence. It's a pleasure supporting those entrepreneurs like Bob, who provide value and who support their customers.
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