Pott County on State DPS System

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Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Oklahoma City, OK
Heard a Pottawattomie County Sheriff's Deputy on the State trunked system tonight (Saturday) running a tag through the "Com Center." Pott County has been sharing dispatch resources with the Kickapoo Tribal Police for a while on VHF.

The talkgroup was 50992, currently labeled as the Kickapoo Tribal Police. The Kickapoo radios have also shown affiliations with Talkgroup 51056, but I've not heard any voice traffic on that one.



fast2okc said:
Heard a Pottawattomie County Sheriff's Deputy on the State trunked system tonight (Saturday) running a tag through the "Com Center." Pott County has been sharing dispatch resources with the Kickapoo Tribal Police for a while on VHF.

The talkgroup was 50992, currently labeled as the Kickapoo Tribal Police. The Kickapoo radios have also shown affiliations with Talkgroup 51056, but I've not heard any voice traffic on that one.


Very Cool Let us Know what you here..


Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Central Oklahoma
Actually, Pott County Sheriff is now dispatched by the citizen pottawatomi nation.

CPN, and Kickapoo tribal do share the same conventional frequency, though.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Central Oklahoma
dbestfirefighter said:
Pott county has there own dispatch and is NOT dispatched from BIA.

Don't think anybody said they were dispatched by BIA. Just the CPN. Shirey felt it was a cost saver to outsource to the CPN.

Here's a link, http://www.news-star.com/stories/071906/new_20060719059.shtml

That was from near the start of the whole thing. There are others, but you can look them up yourself.

Kinda sad with all the other things we outsource, we even outsource our dispatching to foreign nations.
Jul 29, 2004
I stand corrected... I have two good friends that work for PCSO and a good friend that works at SPD and they knew nothing of it.


Jan 21, 2006
Regardless of who it is, the OKC Site is going to be climbing towards capacity again pretty soon I bet.

It doesn't run at capacity constantly, but it is fairly common to see almost all of their voice channels go active from time to time. Add that to the quantity of traffic that the four main OCPD TG's will add and you will have some serious traffic flow.


freqscout said:
Regardless of who it is, the OKC Site is going to be climbing towards capacity again pretty soon I bet.

It doesn't run at capacity constantly, but it is fairly common to see almost all of their voice channels go active from time to time. Add that to the quantity of traffic that the four main OCPD TG's will add and you will have some serious traffic flow.

Yes But I still am hearing that there will be 17 channels (16 voice 1 data) If you take the OKC EDACS system it has 14 channels on the outer system and it is not overloaded right??
I also hear that it will be 5 OCPD TGs and OCFD Fire OPS, we will see who is right and who is dead, Sorry Princesses bride quote but anyway that what is what I have heard..
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Central Oklahoma
freqscout said:
Regardless of who it is, the OKC Site is going to be climbing towards capacity again pretty soon I bet.

It doesn't run at capacity constantly, but it is fairly common to see almost all of their voice channels go active from time to time. Add that to the quantity of traffic that the four main OCPD TG's will add and you will have some serious traffic flow.

I would think that most of the traffic for PCSO would end up on either the Shawnee site or the Tecumseh site. I could see some occasional usage of the OKC site, but not a lot.


Jan 21, 2006
PCSO is the least of concern, I'm sure. It would most likely show up on the east sites, but Cleveland CSO was always on the OKC Site when it was just at NE36/MLK. That being said, anything is possible. I see Shawnee stuff on the OKC site all the time, too.

You figure the FOUR main PD TG's are the bulk of traffic on OKC system, they will bring a large heft to the DPS system. That will bring an interesting tax on the DPS system. The BT TG will bring occasional traffic, especially on weekends. Fire Ops will also be fairly busy. So, the OCPD load will probably exceed the limits of the ten channels. From what I've heard the Edmond switchover will add the remaining OKC site voice channels. After that the city stuff will start to go live.

Yes, the OKC system does fine on 14 wide area voice channels but the traffic doesn't even compare. There are at least 10 very active agencies on the OKC DPS site. These 10 talking at once would lock that system up. Sooooo PB, quit comparing apples to oranges.


freqscout said:
PCSO is the least of concern, I'm sure. It would most likely show up on the east sites, but Cleveland CSO was always on the OKC Site when it was just at NE36/MLK. That being said, anything is possible. I see Shawnee stuff on the OKC site all the time, too.

You figure the FOUR main PD TG's are the bulk of traffic on OKC system, they will bring a large heft to the DPS system. That will bring an interesting tax on the DPS system. The BT TG will bring occasional traffic, especially on weekends. Fire Ops will also be fairly busy. So, the OCPD load will probably exceed the limits of the ten channels. From what I've heard the Edmond switchover will add the remaining OKC site voice channels. After that the city stuff will start to go live.

Yes, the OKC system does fine on 14 wide area voice channels but the traffic doesn't even compare. There are at least 10 very active agencies on the OKC DPS site. These 10 talking at once would lock that system up. Sooooo PB, quit comparing apples to oranges.

True and that is why the new voice channels will be live before, OKC PD and FD TGs are patched in FS, and all that will happen is you will get a busy signal, If the dispatcher needs to get units to a call 10-18 or Code-3 he or she can broadcast the call on the MCTs right F.S.??
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