KD8DVR, I suspect you are probably right. Since this radio uses a SMA-M antenna, I will have to order an adapter to test it properly.
I will post what I know about this radio and compare some of it's features to the Baofeng UV-5R, which is about the same size and weight. Since the stock antenna for the UV-5R is less than adequate, I substituted one from my UV-82 for this test. The antenna for the UV9000 is nearly the same size and shape and is marked 150 MHz, 350 MHz, and 430 MHz.
It has a FM radio that can be modified to receive stations on 76 - 114.
There is a scan function. What sets it apart from the UV-5R is that you can select the scan speed (100 ms to 500 ms in increments of 50 ms). You can also set the delay time when it finds a frequency in use. Scan steps can be as little as 5k.
It has a voice scrambler.
It has a kill switch that can be activated via a code sent by a radio configured to act as the admin unit. Disabled radios can be remotely enabled as well.
The keys are in the proper place.
SQL actually works with 10 squelch settings. Default is 5.
The battery is rated the same as the UV-5R (7.4v, 1800 maH). It it weren't for the Baofeng label on the UV-5R battery you wouldn't be able to tell the two apart. In fact, OEM UV-5R batteries fit and operate just fine in this unit. This is a huge plus for this radio.
The UV9000 has a voltage meter in the menu.
The volume knob has to be turned nearly 3/4 of a turn to hear anything, which is annoying. However, the sound is much clearer with less noise than the UV-5R. I would say there is an improvement in sound quality of around 25+% over the UV-5R.
Although there are three color options for the background screen (blue, purple, amber), you can only choose one. You can't select individual colors for RX, TX, or standby.
Contrary to what the product details suggest, you cannot select the number of seconds for the LED backlight to remain on. Options are on, off, or auto. Also, there are only two TX power options: high and low.
There are two SEEK functions for CTCSS and DCS scanning. Very handy feature.
For some odd reason, the menu button is labeled FUN. The manual also refers to the menu button as FUN. Maybe this has some meaning to the Chinese but it seems to me to be an odd way to label a menu button.
The manual is quite readable and actually informative.
Honestly, I wasn't expecting a great deal from this radio when I ordered it. However, if given a choice now between a UV9000 and a UV-5R I would pick the UV9000. The improvement in sound quality is substantial. My opinion may change once the radio is given some serious hardware testing.