I have about 40 PR400 radios. I just got a new radio in and was going to clone off old radio and put on new one. The issue is that I cannot read off the old radio. I can read the new radio. Any suggestions as to why I would have an issue, especially with all 4 radios. I have the Motorola CPS R05.18 with the RIB and cable from Motorola. I know it is not a hardware issue as I can read the new radio. Could it be a version capatability? These radios were programmed last year by a vendor with the frequency change. Could there be a block on the radio, or is there a way to force it to read?
Thanks for any help.
When I program a radio, I save a copy of the codeplug in a dedicated folder on my laptop. If/when I get a new radio, rather than pull an existing one in from the field to read and copy, I just use the saved codeplug. Load it into the CPS via the File --> Open menu, and then shoot it into the radio. That way I am sure that all the radios get the same codeplug.
Some of my guys have extra channels or other special settings in their radios because they work out of the county and need to talk to agencies that we normally don't interact with. So I modify their radio as needed, and then save a copy of that specific codeplug, too. I usually name the codeplug using some form of the user's name or call sign.
I have a complete archive of all currently active codeplugs for every radio in our inventory.