See, that gets me going a bit. Volunteers or not, that money towards a premium subscription is not exactly a donation. If an individual is paying for a service, they more than have grounds for a complaint if they are going several days without receiving said service. I know some businesses are still wired this way, but it's the same idea with feeds - I applied to change my feed and waited the weekend for it to be affected. As a volunteer providing services to THEM, it was a little trying. Lindsay is receiving revenue from this. I don't know how the leads are taken care of, nor do I care - but I can't quite wrap my head around there not being some sort of solution to either notice or chip away at applications beyond a strictly traditional business week. Especially so, if there are services and money in limbo (for a relatively extended period of time).
There is an opportunity I see, with a couple of the recent posts on here. Unnecessary alienation.