Presidential visits...

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Nov 2, 2006
Northeast PA
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question and some info. I just wanted to know if, when the president visits a certain area, does that area become a sort of a combat air patrol. I have monitored freq's when the president has visted before, and have heard alot of good comms on my local airport freqs as well as 121.5. And before anyone tells me to look at the wiki, i did. I just can't find anything that would tell me if, when the president is in town, is there sort of like a traveling combat air patrol. I know there are usually awacs, f-15, f-16's airborne, but do they use any certain freqs? Or do they just use the artccs for that specific area, and there own air-air freqs. Thanks for the welcomed comments, sorry I'm a noob to milair and the like.

thanks guys


Jan 21, 2006
n y c
kmacka said:
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question and some info. I just wanted to know if, when the president visits a certain area, does that area become a sort of a combat air patrol. I have monitored freq's when the president has visted before, and have heard alot of good comms on my local airport freqs as well as 121.5. And before anyone tells me to look at the wiki, i did. I just can't find anything that would tell me if, when the president is in town, is there sort of like a traveling combat air patrol. I know there are usually awacs, f-15, f-16's airborne, but do they use any certain freqs? Or do they just use the artccs for that specific area, and there own air-air freqs. Thanks for the welcomed comments, sorry I'm a noob to milair and the like.

thanks guys
where ya from.. me here in nyc when president visits everything is shut down highways are cornered off. etc


Oct 1, 2006
Irvine, KY
One would think, with a Presidential visit, there would be hightened MilAir activity in the area..

You KNOW Air Force One has escorts... You KNOW they're communicating with each other.. So they must be scannable.

I'm sure a visit would provide for some interesting monitoring, although a great deal of the transmissions are probably encrypted.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
When the Pres comes to the Detroit, Michigan area, he usually lands at Selfridge ANG Base (about 8 miles from my house). Most of the interesting stuff is on the ground, via your normal everyday city, county, and state frequencies, and in the clear.


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Apr 24, 2006
President Visits

I would check for civilian and military air frequencies for airports & military air bases close by to you. Also I would put in all of the listed Civilian and Military ARTCC frequencies that covers your area that you live in, because you will probably hear Air Force One on atleast one of these frequencies when on it's way in to land and also when it is departing. I hope that this helps you out



Premium Subscriber
Sep 9, 2003
Nashville, TN
265.4 has been a favorite NORAD frequency used in CAP's. However, when the POTUS was here last time. There was NO CAP. There was an AWACS in the area talking to then OAK GROVE (NORAD ground station) but no fighters were in the air. I've heard from several Milair monitors from other parts of the country via mailing lists and they too have seen (heard) a decrease in CAP activity. So apparently not every visit is getting a CAP. I guess it depends on where.

CAP = COMBAT AIR PATROL (just so folks won't think CIVIL AIR PATROL)

Another freq i've heard associated with visits would be 252.0


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
It does seem to vary from event to event - we here in Maryland have a small advantage in that when the Prez goes to Camp David, that a CAP almost always follows. Our wiki page has extensive information on the freqs to watch in our area; 260.9 and 228.9 are both favs, with special ARTCC freqs (referred to as Guard Dog) set aside just for the occasion.

One freq to keep handy is 136.725 (AM mode); this freq seems to be used quite frequently by the escort a/c Unlike the a-a chatter you hear from pilots from time to time, there is absolutely no banter on this frequency - ever. This has been reported numerous times on the Maryland forum. 73s Mike


Premium Subscriber
Jan 19, 2003
Usually, the local AF base will launch some kind of CAP mission. They will use their normal comm freqs, but it doesn't seem to be an absolute thing that CAP missions are flown. Yes, the FAA will issue TFR's (temporary flight restrictions) covering a 30nm range around the point of landing, and another 10nm No-fly zone around the primary areas of the Presidents travels. So, look to the known local milair freqs for best results. Note that there is a spread-spectrum comms system the military uses for combat aircraft that is 100% unmonitorable. Very rare use inside the borders of the US, though from what I understand.


AZ DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
SE of Tucson, AZ
My understanding as far as official CAP support goes, if POTUS is visiting on "official business" then CAP is up.

If he is there "politiking", then the he does not rate a CAP mission that is up the entire time he's there....and that's not to say that a CAP force isn't waiting to assist...

This seems to be true on the different times that POTUS has visited Phoenix and Tucson. Whenever it has been highly publicized that he is here to support a fellow politician, there was no CAP up.


Feb 20, 2001
FLANO said:
My understanding as far as official CAP support goes, if POTUS is visiting on "official business" then CAP is up.

If he is there "politiking", then the he does not rate a CAP mission that is up the entire time he's there....and that's not to say that a CAP force isn't waiting to assist...

This seems to be true on the different times that POTUS has visited Phoenix and Tucson. Whenever it has been highly publicized that he is here to support a fellow politician, there was no CAP up.

Not true. POTUS was in Stockton, CA strictly for two Republican candiates (who both lost) and their re-election. CAP was up the entire time.

I like this site:

It informs of Presidential TFR's (Temp Flight Restrictions)


I live in a good-sized town halfway between milwaukee and chicago, and we have the only airport in the county. (Small one...could land a 747 if it had to, but probably couldn't, at least not reliably.

The president/AF1 has come in before for a campaign speak and I know it was a rather small private aircrat. And yes, there were some military escorts in the air. Not sure what frequency, tho. stuff was active.


kmacka said:
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question and some info. I just wanted to know if, when the president visits a certain area, does that area become a sort of a combat air patrol. I have monitored freq's when the president has visted before, and have heard alot of good comms on my local airport freqs as well as 121.5. And before anyone tells me to look at the wiki, i did. I just can't find anything that would tell me if, when the president is in town, is there sort of like a traveling combat air patrol. I know there are usually awacs, f-15, f-16's airborne, but do they use any certain freqs? Or do they just use the artccs for that specific area, and there own air-air freqs. Thanks for the welcomed comments, sorry I'm a noob to milair and the like.

thanks guys

Air force one is always 10-14 by 4 F-15s or now F-22s so yes there is a traveling combat air patrol..

Most coms are E and on D or Satcom..


May 7, 2003
Olathe, KS
cookiend15 said:
I would check for civilian and military air frequencies for airports & military air bases close by to you. Also I would put in all of the listed Civilian and Military ARTCC frequencies that covers your area that you live in, because you will probably hear Air Force One on atleast one of these frequencies when on it's way in to land and also when it is departing. I hope that this helps you out


I've never heard the ARTCC communicating with AF 1. ARTCC will however, issue a notice to all aircraft to stay clear of certain coordinates until cleared. You WILL NOT usually hear Air Force One or any of it's escorts in the air and on the ground. Those frequencies are the ones that are classified and only those with a need to know have them. I've tried several times in the Seattle area to pick up some communications regarding a Presidential visit and there have been several. The ONLY thing I've ever heard was ARTCC telling all aircraft to steer clear of Air Force One's trajectory, incoming and outgoing. If you live near an airport or base where AF One usually parks on visits, you will see several military aircraft. These will be C-5A's and C-17's that arrive before AF1 carrying the vehicles for the convoy. I've been told that there are several Presidental limos located around the country and stored in secret locations just for these types of visits. Makes sense, however, I would think the cost would be pretty damn high considering the armor. Keep trying as you may, but you will NEVER hear communications involving the movement of the President. If YOU do, you can be damn sure every nut case that would like to harm him, is also listening. I know this reply is a little off the mark of your post, but I thought I would throw in a few tidbits along the way.

And YES, the best communications you will hear are those from the 'locals'. The law enforcement people that provide security. They broadcast for the most part, in the clear on their own frequencies. I would imagine that key personnel have radios that are tuned to the Secret Service frequencies as well. Everyone needs to communicate with each other.

I have since moved to Kansas. YES, out in prarieville with the Prarie Dogs and all. Grandkids is the reason. I'm ready to go back West old man. Now that I'm here, I'm in a prime location to pick up aircraft transisting across the United States in every direction. The ARTCC for this area is located a mile from me. Therefore, I've never seen nor heard any CAPs. I would say Kansas is a relatively safe place to be in the event of anything going down. Nothing here but corn fields, the Royals, and Chiefs.


May 7, 2003
Olathe, KS
kmacka said:
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a question and some info. I just wanted to know if, when the president visits a certain area, does that area become a sort of a combat air patrol. I have monitored freq's when the president has visted before, and have heard alot of good comms on my local airport freqs as well as 121.5. And before anyone tells me to look at the wiki, i did. I just can't find anything that would tell me if, when the president is in town, is there sort of like a traveling combat air patrol. I know there are usually awacs, f-15, f-16's airborne, but do they use any certain freqs? Or do they just use the artccs for that specific area, and there own air-air freqs. Thanks for the welcomed comments, sorry I'm a noob to milair and the like.

thanks guys

Forget it. You will never hear AF1, support aircraft, or even the ARTCC communicating with it. It's all on top secret frequencies. I've tried several times to no avail. Tune to local law enforcement for any transmissions regarding Presidential visits.


196-ÆS Ø
Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2003
Sunny South Florida
I haven't monitored a AF1 in a while, but I recall hearing AF1 on Miami's VHF tower frequency (118.3) and then being handed off to VHF departure (119.45) and Center (?). Has that changed?


Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Posted at the same time as JoeH
Since when does the ARTCC communicate with AF1 on "secret" frequencies???

Edit: When they came to Richmond about a month back, they were talking to the TRACON on regular frequenices.


May 30, 2003
I also heard AF-1 talking with our local tower on approach to our community airport during a campaign stop, although that was several years ago and before 9/11.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 22, 2006
North Carolina
There are no "Top Secret" ATC frequencies. AF1 has to communicate with ATC just like any other military/civilian plane out there. I could understand interflight freqs. between AF1 and its support aircraft being encrypted/scrambled but ATC has no encryption/scrambling equipment.


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2002
San Diego, CA
kicktd said:
There are no "Top Secret" ATC frequencies. AF1 has to communicate with ATC just like any other military/civilian plane out there. I could understand interflight freqs. between AF1 and its support aircraft being encrypted/scrambled but ATC has no encryption/scrambling equipment.

Correct! I have heard AF-1 on MANY occasions speak with tower, approach and ARTCC on the VHF freqs. They are given vectors, altitude restrictions and other information just as any aircraft would. On several occasions I've heard pilots of other aircraft on the same air as AF-1 send "hellos" to the Big Guy.
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