Pro-106 Error: "Waiting for DSP" ?

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Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Whats the fix to the hard failure error of a Pro-106 always booting to "Waiting for DSP" ?
Does this scanner have to get sent in for repair or is there an end-user fix to this problem ?
I tried all info in every thread I can find, you name it, factory resets, even tried DSP resets,
also upgraded the CPU to V2.0 and then upgrade to DSP to V1.4 successfully ...
and still after the Welcome screen appears ... I always get stuck at "Waiting for DSP" screen !

btw~I have the Sears Craftsman "Sledge-O-Matic" fix in the garage but that seems a little to drastic


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Google & RR

Whats the fix to the hard failure error of a Pro-106 always booting to "Waiting for DSP" ?
Does this scanner have to get sent in for repair or is there an end-user fix to this problem ?
I tried all info in every thread I can find, you name it, factory resets, even tried DSP resets,
also upgraded the CPU to V2.0 and then upgrade to DSP to V1.4 successfully ...
and still after the Welcome screen appears ... I always get stuck at "Waiting for DSP" screen !

btw~I have the Sears Craftsman "Sledge-O-Matic" fix in the garage but that seems a little to drastic

I went to Google and this immediately surfaced. Sometimes, when you have a question like this, going to Google will help link you to previous RR threads. Here is one I found:


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Thanks Ensnared, yes I searched several ways in gQQgle which mostly lead me back here to RR threads.
Right now I have a friend's Pro-106 that has the error "Waiting for DPS" new right out of the box !
It has never even been touched, configured or loaded up with freqs since made in China, so a DOA.
I tried all steps in all threads I can find in gQQgle that mostly point hear to RR threads, nothing helps.
I have seen this only once before but I think it got ultimately exchanged at another Radio Shack, etc.
Also, I was able to do both the CPU upgrade V2.0 and the DSP V1.4 and even upon boot up
pressed the light key which brings the Pro-106 to the Global Menu, then only at that stage was
I was able to clone from my own Pro-106, however, It would not let me load it from PC with WIN500 method.
I'm thinking bad DSP IC/logic board and this scanner needs to be sent in to RS for repair/board replacement ?

Bottom~Line: has anyone here found an end-user fix or did they have to send theirs in to repair ?


Mar 4, 2011
Tonawanda NY
Waiting for DSP error

I serviced a number of the Pro-106 scanners with this problem. The waiting for DSP error means the
digital signal processor is malfunctioning. I have found that reloading the DSP software by doing a
DSP upgrade did cure the problem sometimes, but you did that already. The DSP circuitry on the logic
pc board is probably bad and the logic pc board needs to be replaced. Hopefully the scanner is still under
warranty because the logic pcb is $250 out of warranty plus the $49 labor. Good luck.


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Houston, I have a problem: After the Welcome screen appears on a Pro-106 with date code 09A09 !

I always get the hard failure (10 out of 10 times ) message as follows: "Waiting for DSP" ?

The Scanner had CPU v1.7 and DSP v1.3 when I got a hold of it with it's hard failure.
I was successfull in upgrading the CPU to v2.1 and the DSP to v1.4 and guess what ...
I still have a GREat lQQking brick with a hard failure. I saw a diferent Pro-106 do this
not quite a year ago as my previous posts in this thread indicates. So now this makes
2 Pro-106's that I have come accross with this failure. I never learned what happened
to the unit checked out last May 2012. So ka2wey says it's probably the logic board ?

I just checked the dwindling RSU Parts list still available for the Pro-106 and saw the
RSU Part # 12469003 PCB ASSY LOGIC $226.13 and it's listed as in stock - nice :)

I gather that this problem is ultra rare ? Which of the 2 boards is the DSP chip on ?
So question for the room as they say ...... anyone have any GREat ideas to solve this ?
Just for info the bad Pro-106's S/N # is 011050 with a Date Code 09A09 (Sept/2009).
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Time For Repair

Houston, I have a problem: After the Welcome screen appears on a Pro-106 with date code 09A09 !

I always get the hard failure (10 out of 10 times ) message as follows: "Waiting for DSP" ?

The Scanner had CPU v1.7 and DSP v1.3 when I got a hold of it with it's hard failure.
I was successfull in upgrading the CPU to v2.1 and the DSP to v1.4 and guess what ...
I still have a GREat lQQking brick with a hard failure. I saw a diferent Pro-106 do this
not quite a year ago as my previous posts in this thread indicates. So now this makes
2 Pro-106's that I have come accross with this failure. I never learned what happened
to the unit checked out last May 2012. So ka2wey says it's probably the logic board ?

I just checked the dwindling RSU Parts list still available for the Pro-106 and saw the
RSU Part # 12469003 PCB ASSY LOGIC $226.13 and it's listed as in stock - nice :)

I gather that this problem is ultra rare ? Which of the 2 boards is the DSP chip on ?
So question for the room as they say ...... anyone have any GREat ideas to solve this ?
Just for info the bad Pro-106's S/N # is 011050 with a Date Code 09A09 (Sept/2009).

Hopefully, RS is still making repairs on this unit. I think this will need a trip to the repair department. I don't know what else to suggest.


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
I purchased a PRO-106 on eBay. The radio turns on but after the welcome screen, it goes to "Waiting for DSP."

I have done all of the "0" + tests.
I have also upgraded the CPU to 1.9 (which worked fine)
But the DSP upgrade to 1.4 would not take. It errors out in the testing step with a message about incomplete response from scanner.

Any thoughts or suggestions? I have a day or two to return it if it is fried.

I have the older model USB cable that I used successfully in Windows XP to update the CPU.

I just had the same problem, with the "Waiting for DSP" ... the CPU upgrade went fine, not the DSP etc.
So I tricked the DSP update in the checking the COM Port test that talks to the scanner before hand
by letting the DSP upgrader utility talk to a perfectly good Pro-106 and getting the green light first.
Then switched the PC/IF cable plug over to the bad Pro-106 scanner and only then clicked "Upgrade"
and this is how I tricked the DSP update utility into completing the update which then yielded v1.4 perfect.
So even with DSP v1.4 the DSP logic was still bad so I am sending it in for repair to swap the logic board.
But at least this way I know that I have done everything I can do on my end to solve the DSP chip failure.
I thoght I would also post this DSP upgrade trick here in this thread also just in the off chance
it is able to help another person with a troubled Pro-106 somewhere down the road - you never know ;)


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Update: Replaced PCB Logic Board to solve "Waiting for DSP" error !

Update: Replaced PCB Logic Board to solve "Waiting for DSP" error !

The Good News: This Pro-106 is now fixed and working GREat ;)

The Bad News: It was not cheap but this inventory had to be fixed !

In Other News, it lQQks like I got the last PCB Logic Board left,
as the RSU Part the next day now shows the status as "Not In Stock" .....
Pro-106 RSU Part # 12469003 PCB ASSY LOGIC $226.13 "Not In Stock"

ps~I would hate to be the next guy in line to have their PCB Logic Board replaced :(

btw ~ This Pro-106 came back from RS Repair all current v2.1 & v1.4 DSP updates.
It's too bad that that updating the DSP from v1.3 to v1.4 before hand didn't solve this issue.
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