On my PRO 106 which buttons do I push to see what the ( latest version of Scan Control ) is for my PRO 106. I did it once be for but it's been awhile . Thanks for the time, jbxfire
I put "scan control in the Easier to Read Guide for your radio. Hence, it pointed me to a software program for your radio. Is this what you're talking about. Or, are you talking about the firmware associated with the radio?
I am talking about the firmware associated with the radio .
I use to know how to do that but it's been awhile cense I did that . Thanks for the time, jbxfire
This is how you check for firmware up date for the PRO 106.
Turn OFF radio, push & hold # 3 & turn ON radio while holding # 3 in, then let go of # 3. when done hit
scan. This will show the latest up date you have.