mot 800/900 mhz
Baytown pd texas i picked up them talking after they quit talking it scans the same channel with no sound then it scans another channel with a different tag with no sound now it quit all channels i was told we have to put a code in scanner to get working again
Rebanding is complete for the Hartman bridge. Control channel is 851.10000c , alternate control channel is 853.05000.
You just need to know if the scanner supports rebanding. If it does, then it will work on any 'rebanded' system in the US.
Talk group ID's have not changed.
16208 3f5 A Baytown PD 1 Ch. A1 Police 1 Primary Law Dispatch
16240 3f7 A Baytown PD 2 Ch. A2 Police 2 Secondary Law Tac
16272 3f9 A BaytownPDCID Ch. A3 Police Detectives Law Tac
16304 3fb A BaytownPDAdm Ch. A4 Police Administration Law Talk