Pro 2006 with CE-232

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Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Looks like I acquired a PS2006 with the CE-232 external interface though without the CE-232 unit or Pro-Turbo software.

Anyone aware of the details on building a CE-232 as well as specifications or even where to find for sale?

Same goes for the Pro-Turbo. Even the source code would be fine to review to see what is going on as unless there programming that requires Win95 or earlier to directly access memory (even so) can be updated to run on Windows 7.

I am refreshing my electronics skills that were novice and learning radio frequency skills though have a AR&D and Quality chemometrics spectroscopy programming skills background.

Any ideas? For sale?

I'm getting 2A out of the IC9 also which sounds like the CPU/Logic Board is having issues. I was going to de-solder all the mods, though since the keyboard isn't fully functional (can't enter individual frequencies, only scan functions) I would like to try the CE-232 with Pro-Turbo to see how functions before I de-solder all the mods.

Thanks in advance for your time!


Jan 3, 2003
Bill Cheek documented building the CE-232 interface in his last book "The Ultimate Scanner" including schematics and parts lists, but I doubt all the parts would still be available to build one. I can send you a copy of the PL and board artwork from it if you'd like...

I picked up a Pro-2006 with the internal CE-232 on ebay a few years back but haven't seen any others since. I got it running with the CE-232 software but was never successful finding the ProTurbo (the ebay seller said he'd send me the software but never did)...



Jan 3, 2003
By the way, I have all of Bill Cheek's World Scanner Report newsletters. His wife Cindy gave me permission to scan and post them to the net... I have the first year online here:

The very first file is his announcement brochure for the HB-232 interface. I'll be finishing the scanning and uploading in the coming months, so check back for more.

Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Awesome, thanks Brett!

I downloaded with no issues. Am going to still search for an external interface since I don't think I have time with the other projects yet to build the CE-232. I may be able to eventually... though that is going to be more than a year down the road most likely. Hoping I can find one or another PRO-2006 with.

I'll definitely share what I wind up doing. I have the feeling I am better to pick up another PRO-2006 for backup components too or future repair projects. I did just pick up a GQ 4x4 and will have to read if I can program the logic board with that in case I can somehow repair the hardware of the PRO-2006 I have and using another PRO-2006 for firmware to copy if corrupted.

I have to read into more as maybe the CE-232 can do this. Any ideas or am I overthinking?
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Thanks for the heads up David.

I'm thinking I want to stick with Pro-Turbo and the CE-232 setup. Seems like more capabilities.

I sent a message to see if the Probe software came with the listing and will keep an eye on.

I just picked up a TDS-8000B that I am going to work on repairing since reads like only a power supply issue which can be an easy repair... so that put a dent in the budget for the next week.

Plus, I'd prefer to stick with the PRO-2006 so I can swap parts. I think there are similarities though haven't verified.

Thanks again... find me a CE-232 PRO-2006 with Pro-Turbo and I'm on it! :)


Database Admin
Jul 23, 2005
Caswell, Maine
While Pro-2006s are being mentioned...

...I don't suppose anyone would have the bottom half of the case of one (that's a basket case) that they'd be willing to part with?


Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
What case exactly are you referring too?

I have some rack mount cases that I think jaydoc inspired me to put the PRO-2006 in as I seem to be migrating to that package for the lab/base station. Not with the flamboyant look however.

Therefore, I can sell the plastic PRO-2006 case potentially if that's what you're looking for.
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi

I couldn't verify if had the actual HB-232 hardware (unless was internal mod).

I just bought this one:

Since I found the software is available, I've read through "The Ultimate Scanner" in more detail and I'm working on a debug cable interface for the TDS series oscilloscopes, I've decided am going to build the CB-232 myself I'm thinking since doesn't look that complicated.

Then again, for the right price...
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Bill Cheek documented building the CE-232 interface in his last book "The Ultimate Scanner" including schematics and parts lists, but I doubt all the parts would still be available to build one. I can send you a copy of the PL and board artwork from it if you'd like...

I picked up a Pro-2006 with the internal CE-232 on ebay a few years back but haven't seen any others since. I got it running with the CE-232 software but was never successful finding the ProTurbo (the ebay seller said he'd send me the software but never did)... Pro-2006 Scanner: CE-232 runs in DOSBOX


After reading through in more detail "The Ultimate Scanner" and working on the debug connection interface for the TDS-520 and other oscilloscope and spectrum analyzers I have... I just realized that the debug interface for the console edge connector isn't that much difference in function as the CE-232 circuit board.

I was studying the traces and PCB to see if worth leaving more copper on the board for grounding purposes to quiet the circuit more when I made this observation.

Therefore, I'll try to keep everyone posted on my progress with the new PRO-2006 I just acquired and haven't opened the box yet since I'll perform the testing on the PRO-2006 I have first, then modify the newer PRO-2006 if I can't repair the test system CPU/Logic board (I have a GQ 4x4 programmer so thinking I can read and write to a new chip also now from further study).

Basically, I am thinking based on components and function... that I can upgrade the CE-232 into a more efficient design that also includes USB so to be more modernized. I'll see what I can do with newer software also. I think I'll create a new thread too once I wrap up the TDS-520 and TDS-8000B repair as I have the "solid" capacitors I need for an upgrade in another box I have to open.
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Basically, I am thinking based on components and function... that I can upgrade the CE-232 into a more efficient design that also includes USB so to be more modernized.

Performing a little more reading into the CE-232 circuit, I made the following observations after reviewing "The Ultimate Scanner" Chapter 8:

1. In my studies I am finding that this design console port debug cable for the TDS-5XX/6XX/7XX series ( is a 20 pin edge connector and not much different than the CE-232 circuit that is a 25 pin format conversion chip that is different:

2. The CE-232 three GND resistor network (RN-1, RB-2, RN-3) seems optional and not required.

3. The CE-232 three GND resistor network (RN-1, RB-2, RN-3) can be made "dead bug" style.

4. The RN-4 resistor network can be made "dead bug" style.

5. Figure 8-17 helps to detail where to look on my PRO-2006, where I am not able to manually enter frequencies as well as some other menu keyboard options, if the internal CE-232 did cause an issue with the high current drain (2A between IC9 if I recall correctly) and my CPU/logic board isn't damaged beyond repair.

6. I have to review the CE-232 and other related software to understand what AA-ZZ are used for. DD may be beep volume and JJ may be status of squelch break indicator.

7. Since the DB-9 connection is only using TX, RX and GND I can use the RS-232 port and add Dr Forbin's modified TDS debug cable design where a ADuM1402 opto-isolator is placed in between the MAX232 and MC68HC11F1FN.

8. Since the DB-9 connection is only using TX, RX and GND I can use a USB port also where:
a. Instead of a, or with a, MAX232 I use a FT230X with two more LED's to indicate traffic based on BUS0 or BUS1 of the FT230X along with a USB connector and associated power circuit. There are other options for RS232-TTL however, I have a certain inventory of IC's now.
b. Add a ADuM1402 opto-isolator placed in between the FT230X and MC68HC11F1FN as noted above.
c. Power the CE-232 circuit from the USB port, and not the PRO-2006, since uses 5V.
d. Not use the 7805 from the PRO-2006 12V if current/power isn't required and sufficient with USB2.0.
e. I still need to verify 5V CE-232 current requirements as noted modified and not modified.

I am thinking a re-design of the PCB isn't a bad idea... though if I send out they typically want like 10 or more made to get a better price.

I want to learn the PCB design software, so I may do a single board just to see.

I'll probably make a "as found" Bill Cheek design for starters.

Anyone notice anything I am missing to observe before I get more into this?
Last edited:
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
There are other options for RS232-TTL however, I have a certain inventory of IC's now.

Reviewing just the RS232 to TTL portion of the circuit can be overwhelming with options. Main thing is to keep with the same circuit voltage logic, format and chips that are more versatile with different OS's for software drivers I'm thinking.

I want to note here so I don't forget... that an additional interesting project can be to use a microcontroller like an Arduino AMTEL328 CPU or clone to perform some of these operations. From quick reading, seems there are the capabilities even if another chip set is required to be added for the scanner I/O. I have to read more to verify... though I am wondering if like a CD4021/74HC595 method is equivalent to the 74HC4066. I'll read into this later... though seems interesting if can interface the PRO-2006 with a cheap arduino clone alone or like I said... maybe the 74HC4066's or something to perform that operation.

I still have to study the operation of each circuit trace in more detail.
Oct 9, 2017
Whitehall, Mi
Tangent interface from Logic Analyzers and Oscilloscope Work

an additional interesting project can be to use a microcontroller like an Arduino AMTEL328 CPU or clone to perform some of these operations.

I still have to study the operation of each circuit trace in more detail.

I received the PLCC-44 to DIN-44 and PLCC-68 to DIN-68 adapters and all components. I was looking into Fritzing and vendor specific applications to custom make a new PCB design, though did laser printer the Bill Cheek image on some magazine paper to make that PCB board when I get to the bench work as I haven't got onto the bench in a while. I keep researching and reading more into this project potential to upgrade to modern modules more cost effectively and other a bunch of other small projects.

I figured I'd note this for the record as an update as may be potential like I noted above using a micro-computer or micro-controller more-so to make an interface for this or other devices as I'm finding I'm learning about Logic Analyzers more and want to study the various digital signal formats in more detail at the same time so I invested in two cheap modules to study with I found on eBay:

CY7C68013A-56 EZ-USB FX2LP USB2.0 Develope Board Module Logic Analyzer EEPROM for ~$6

24MHz 8CH USB Logic Analyzer 24MHz 8 Channel Compatible to Saleae ARM FPGA M100 for ~$9

I also picked up two other boards I thought looked interesting to play with:

Wemos LOLIN32 WIFI & Bluetooth ESP-32 Breakout Board 4mb Flash Lithium Interface for ~$16

Adafruit GEMMA 2 Wearable Electronics Platform Use With Arduino IDE Attiny85 v2 for ~$13

I have to read into the specs on the items above in more applications specific detail... however, I figured I'd share what I've been reading about and investing in for inspiration, suggestions, questions, and/or comments.


Dec 20, 2006
Alberta Canada, Eh!

Wow, that's pretty cheap.
I have a 2004 with CE-232 and a 2006 with Opto456 and have toyed with selling them, but they're probably worth more to me than what I'd get for them. Also, I'd probably see one for sale and buy it again as appens with this radio addiction.

Edit to add:
Wow, saw this while viewing the 2006 auction:

The 2020 brings back some great memories, but even if I really wanted one in my collection, holy crap. $193 Canadian?? I just bought a 996XT for close to that!
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