I use it for MOT II smartnet. Used it for smartzone before they went digital. There are 4 diff Motorolla type II modes. Make sure you have the right one selected.
The scanner needs to be set with one Smartzone site per bank. Neither manual (old or new) mentions this but if your UHF/VHF system is distant or weak, squelch position is critical to prevent hang up on a TG. If the scanner is hanging up on the control freq, you may be out of trunking mode. Though trunking setup for both scanners is the same, the two manuals differ on procedures to scan a trunked Bank (page 27 in new and 33 in old refers).
Each site requires a separate bank for the frequencies and the bank/site frequencies need to be entered in exact order as listed.
Under my signature is a link to RR Wiki Programming Shortcuts. Two are listed for the 2052 but programming is the same for both, the difference is how the scanner gets into and out of trunking mode during use.
Select the shortcut for your 2052 depending on the date code. A403 and later is the new scanner.