Pro-96: PRO-2096 - How do I name or rename a V-Scanner


Jun 10, 2006
Since I no longer have a Windows computer, I'm stuck with having to program my PRO-96 & PRO-2096 manually. I just got finished programming the HARTLINK EDACS system into the 2096, and have saved it to a V-Scanner. However, I can't find how to give it a meaningful name! Can anyone help me name my new V-Scanner?

This is the first time I've manually programmed a trunked system, and I actually got it right on my first attempt! It turned out to not be as complicated as I had first anticipated, however it's still pretty gnarly. Lots of buttons to push!

Right now I'm listening to people plowing the streets of Hartford, dispatching EMS, cops doing their thing, I have to say, I kind of appreciate being able to listen to this after having spent over 2 hours setting it up. I think there may be a life lesson in there, somewhere!

Thanks in advance for helping me to manually name my new V-Scanner!