Pro-96: PRO-2096 - How do I name or rename a V-Scanner


Jun 10, 2006
Since I no longer have a Windows computer, I'm stuck with having to program my PRO-96 & PRO-2096 manually. I just got finished programming the HARTLINK EDACS system into the 2096, and have saved it to a V-Scanner. However, I can't find how to give it a meaningful name! Can anyone help me name my new V-Scanner?

This is the first time I've manually programmed a trunked system, and I actually got it right on my first attempt! It turned out to not be as complicated as I had first anticipated, however it's still pretty gnarly. Lots of buttons to push!

Right now I'm listening to people plowing the streets of Hartford, dispatching EMS, cops doing their thing, I have to say, I kind of appreciate being able to listen to this after having spent over 2 hours setting it up. I think there may be a life lesson in there, somewhere!

Thanks in advance for helping me to manually name my new V-Scanner!


Jun 10, 2006
See pages 76 to 81 of the user manual for V-scanner info. Much, much easier to use software (yes, I read you no longer have a computer & that's a setback for scanner programming IMHO)
That got it! At first I was looking in my copy of the PRO-2096 User Manual (yup, I still have it!), wondering where the "V-Scanner naming" instructions were. I then clicked on the link in your reply and saw that they were located in the PRO-96 manual (which I also still have!). I think I'm going to start referring to both manuals as I work on this, as it may be the case that if one manual doesn't have what I'm looking for, the other one just might!

To be honest, I'm kind of having fun doing this by hand, as I'm finally getting to learn more about these scanners after having them for 9 years! When I first got the two scanners, I relied on the RadioReference databases, loading the various systems into the radios using the software. I had subsequently laid both scanners aside for many years, as I got busy with other things (life happens...). Now I'm starting to get back into them, and I think I might have decent luck manually programming in the EDACS, and (maybe) the APCO systems manually. However, I may have to resurrect an old laptop that has WinXP on it to load in any of the other MOTOROLA and P25 systems. Hopefully, I'll be able to DL the databases to this Linux laptop, and transfer them over to the WinXP laptop so I can load them into the scanners. I'll have to play with it.

Thanks for the help, I appreciate it!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
If you create any more V-Folders make sure in the "Text" naming you put the number oftheV-Folder you used so you remember what's where, I got mixed up once, just helpful hint,...