Welcome to the world of trunking....
Are you programming by hand or using programming software....
make sure the bank you have selected is in trunking mode, press program then trunk and it should let you know if it is in Motorla mode, if not press mode until you see MOT
Enter the freqs in the bank you selected.... enter them as you would conventional freqs but then press the mode button until MOT appears.... then press enter. If you don't have the + sign indicating the bank is open, press Func then 5 while stopped on a channel in that bank and that will open the bank (if a - appears then do it again to open the bank).
To enter talk groups manually.... go to a channel in the TRS and press Program....then Trunk.... enter the ID number....use the deciaml as a hyphen, press Enrter... if it beeps try again....
If you use programming software the whole process is easier, and it will be much easier to make changes and keep everything current... I recommend
Don Starr's software and you'll need
a programming cable, the time saved and the tedium avoided makes it money well spent....