I picked up a pro-92 From eBay and I think I got a defective unit
It has firmware 3.28.
I put in a fresh set of alkaline AA batteries and saw that it had a set of freqenices for "Woodbury". It picked up a local wx frequency by tapping the [wx] key.
I erased the memory by taping [0] then [1] on startup. After that it didn't seem to pickup anything. I tried tuning to a local ham repeater and it didn't pickup anything. Local weather is dead. Squelch is dialed all the way to zero and no static.
I informed the seller the unit nights be defective. I'm still waiting on their responsive.
Is this model known to do this?
It has firmware 3.28.
I put in a fresh set of alkaline AA batteries and saw that it had a set of freqenices for "Woodbury". It picked up a local wx frequency by tapping the [wx] key.
I erased the memory by taping [0] then [1] on startup. After that it didn't seem to pickup anything. I tried tuning to a local ham repeater and it didn't pickup anything. Local weather is dead. Squelch is dialed all the way to zero and no static.
I informed the seller the unit nights be defective. I'm still waiting on their responsive.
Is this model known to do this?