Troop B (Western Massachusetts) []
Frequency License Type Tone Description Mode
39.16000 WPKE758 BM Station B6 Northampton FM
39.24000 WPKE758 BM Station B6 Northampton FM
42.46000 KCE227 B 141.3 PL Troop B (Used in conjuction with the TRS) FM
However I also found an Massachusetts State Police Statewide System
Statewide, MA
System Name: Massachusetts State Police Statewide
Location: Statewide, MA
County: Statewide
System Type: Motorola Type II SmartZone
System Voice: Analog and APCO-25 Common Air Interface
Sysid: 0D14
CT: 97.30
Last Updated: 01-08-2006 11:00 Added a single talkgroup
Hits: 17546
State Police Troop B - Western Talkgroups []
DEC HEX Mode Display Description
33584 833 A B-PTL-1 Dispatch (B,B2,B3,B4,B6 Primary)
33616 835 A B-PTL-2 Secondary Dispatch (B,B2,B4 Secondary)
33648 837 A B-PTL-3 Alternate Dispatch (B,B3,B6 Secondary)
33744 83d A B-ATG Announcement Group (All Talkgroups from Dispatch)
34256 85d A B-OPS-3 Special Event Ops, Details
34640 875 A SSS-B BIS Special Services Section
34736 87b A DET-B Detectives, AG
34800 87f A NARC-B Narcotics
34960 889 A ATTF-B Governor's Auto Theft Strike Force
35120 893 A FM-W Fire Investigation Unit / Hazmat