Pro96 with michigan's MPSCS

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May 31, 2006
I wasn't sure if I should post this in my local forum or not.

I just picked up a Pro96 from one of the radioshack stores that are going out of business and it is my first trunk tracking and my first digital radio ! So far I love it but I'm having a problem with it:

I have programmed the controlo frequencies for the Western Wayne County Mutual Aid (Motorola Type II SmartZone) System and I have no problem picking up talk Groups over the entire system.

I have programmed, each in seperate banks, the towers closest to my house (Nothville, Ann Arbor, Detroit[701]) for the Michigan Public Safety Communications System (Project 25) and I have not picked up any transmisions on any talk groups. I do get a digital(?) kind of sound on some control frequecies if I scan them in "FM" mode but when I change them to "MO" I get absolutely nothing !

I have scanned with the standard "rubber duck" antenna and even purchased a RS 800MHz
but I still get nothing ?

Thank You for any help you may offer and advise me if I should move this to my local forum.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2002
Findlay Ohio
Make sure that you have both the bank and each freq set as MO. I can assure you that the PRO-96 works because I was just up there yesterday with mine scanning away on the state system.
May 31, 2006
Thanks I used Win96 to check and I discovered that the banks I wasn't getting any reception were set to "closed" mode and I hadn't saved any talk groups in them.

Thanks for the suggestion and helping me to realize the problem
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