Pro96Com & Unitrunker Not Recognizing P25 ISSI Affiliation

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I might be completely clueless! =)
Jun 29, 2009
It appears that there is an issue with both Pro96Com and Unitrucker in recording affiliations to ISSI linked talkgroups. This is a continuation of an earlier post made in the PRO96COM showing Unkown Packets topic.

Software tested:
Pro96Com 1.11.6

Unfortunately I have not been able to test this using the the latest preview version of Unitrunker, so it is possible this has already been resolved.

Log files for both software can be found at this Dropbox link.

The system that was logged is the Aurora Trunking System. This is a Motorola P25 Phase 2 system with a single simulcast site. It is pretty new, about a year old, so I imagine it is fairly close to the latest software release. It operates entirely in TDMA mode, the only exception is the ISSI interoperability talkgroups which operates exclusively in FDMA mode. These home system for these talkgroups is the Metro Area Radio Cooperative (MARC) Trunking System, which is connected to several other P25 systems using ISSI. These talkgroups are not setup for automatic roaming between systems, only manual roaming is allowed. I have not been able to find other systems that show this same behavior even though they are linked to the same talkgroup.

According to the previous topic, the affiliation messages was identified as being the extended multi-TSBK form. In Pro96Com, it shows up as multi-block unknown packets. It appears that neither software currently recognizes this form of affiliation. It appears that the radio will unaffiliate from the system before attempting to affiliate to an ISSI talkgroup.

One example of an affiliation from the Pro96Com unknown packets:
"03/06 12:03:52","37","37 FD 00 0D 01 5D 82 28 92 4B 07 37 ","Multi-Block Unknown 0 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","30","30 0A 08 FA 00 00 09 28 00 00 00 00 ","Multi-Block Unknown 1 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","00","00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 99 53 82 ","Multi-Block Unknown 2 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"

It appears to breakdown like this:

37 FD 00 [0D 01 5D] 82 28 [92 4B 07 37
30 0A] 08 FA 00 00 [09 28] 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 99 53 82

0D 01 5D - Radio 852317
92 4B xx xx 30 0A -  WACN 924B3 SYS 00A (Metro Area Radio Cooperative)
09 28 - Talkgroup 2344

This can be verified if you combine data from the multiple logs from Pro96Com and cross check it with the Unitrunker logs:

Pro96Com Combined Logs
"03/06 12:03:50","Unaffiliate",0,"",852317,"TG: 2344 DT: 3/6/17@11:51"
"03/06 12:03:52","2C 00 08 4A 0D 01 5D 0D 01 5D 43 63 ","Unit Registration - SysID: 84A Source ID: 852317 Working ID: 852317 Status: Accept"
"03/06 12:03:52","37","37 FD 00 0D 01 5D 82 28 92 4B 07 37 ","Multi-Block Unknown 0 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","30","30 0A 08 FA 00 00 09 28 00 00 00 00 ","Multi-Block Unknown 1 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","00","00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 99 53 82 ","Multi-Block Unknown 2 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","37","37 FD 00 0D 01 5D 82 28 92 4B 07 37 ","Multi-Block Unknown 0 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","30","30 0A 08 FA 00 00 09 28 00 00 00 00 ","Multi-Block Unknown 1 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:03:52","00","00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D 99 53 82 ","Multi-Block Unknown 2 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 12:07:50","Group","00-1593","860.96250"," 2344","T: 101 DT: 3/6/17@11:51","852317","TG: 2344 DT: 3/6/17@11:51"
"03/06 12:07:56","Group","00-1593","860.96250"," 2344","T: 101 DT: 3/6/17@11:51","852317","TG: 2344 DT: 3/6/17@11:51"
"03/06 12:28:07","Group","00-1589","860.93750"," 2344","T: 101 DT: 3/6/17@11:51","852317","TG: 2344 DT: 3/6/17@11:51"
"03/06 12:28:17","Unaffiliate",0,"",852317,"TG: 2344 DT: 3/6/17@11:51"

Unitrunker Logs
20170306190356,257,Logout,I,852317, ,0,0,
20170306190756,257,Call,I,852317,G,2344,1593,  4
20170306190802,257,Call,I,852317,G,2344,1593,  4
20170306192813,257,Call,I,852317,G,2344,1589,  4
20170306192823,257,Logout,I,852317, ,0,0,

In another example for a different user on a different talkgroup:

0D 07 9C - Radio 853916
09 3C - Talkgroup 2364

Pro96Com Combined Logs
"03/06 13:00:50","Unaffiliate",0,"",853916,"DT: 3/6/17@12:06"
"03/06 13:06:15","2C 00 08 4A 0D 07 9C 0D 07 9C 28 3D ","Unit Registration - SysID: 84A Source ID: 853916 Working ID: 853916 Status: Accept"
"03/06 13:06:16","37","37 FD 00 0D 07 9C 82 28 92 4B 13 3F ","Multi-Block Unknown 0 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:16","30","30 0A 08 F9 00 00 09 3C 00 00 00 00 ","Multi-Block Unknown 1 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:16","00","00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C F5 BE F2 ","Multi-Block Unknown 2 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:16","37","37 FD 00 0D 07 9C 82 28 92 4B 13 3F ","Multi-Block Unknown 0 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:16","30","30 0A 08 F9 00 00 09 3C 00 00 00 00 ","Multi-Block Unknown 1 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:16","00","00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C F5 BE F2 ","Multi-Block Unknown 2 - OpCode: 28 (Group Affiliation) Mfg: 00 (Standard)"
"03/06 13:06:23","Group","00-1589","860.93750"," 2364","T: 101 DT: 3/6/17@11:51","853916","DT: 3/6/17@12:06"
"03/06 13:06:34","Group","00-1589","860.93750"," 2364","T: 101 DT: 3/6/17@11:51","853916","DT: 3/6/17@12:06"
"03/06 13:08:19","Unaffiliate",0,"",853916,"DT: 3/6/17@12:06"

Unitrunker Logs
20170306200055,257,Logout,I,853916, ,0,0,
20170306200628,257,Call,I,853916,G,2364,1589,  4
20170306200640,257,Call,I,853916,G,2364,1589,  4
20170306200825,257,Logout,I,853916, ,0,0,

Hopefully this post contains enough information to get these types of affiliation recognized and added.
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Jun 29, 2010
Anyone willing to help me out with this one? It appears every three hours, thirty minutes, and eight seconds the system is sending this multi-block affiliation response. I'm not understanding what the purpose of this message is because there is no ISSI connectivity to this system. I will note that the 'foreign' group is actually TG 453 (Suburban Law) on the system.

Now for where it becomes more interesting. As stated above, this radio is affiliating at a very specific time interval. The system is not commanding the radio register due to an expiration of the WUID lease time, as on our system, it is 240 minutes at which point the system will command the radio to register (Maybe they are programmed for WUID Validity Support if Motorola?). I run Unitrunker 24/7 on the latest preview release with an SDR, and I maintain logs. What I'm noticing is '0AFDA5' --> 720293, when I go through look through the user list I'm finding the grouping of 720291, 720292, **720293**, and 720294. Each radio is affiliated to a different group. [720291 - Fire Dispatch] [720292 - EMS Dispatch] [720293 - ISSI Multi Block 1C5 (453 Suburban Law)] [720294 - Suburban Law]. All four of these radios are affiliating at the time interval I stated, none of them are being commanded. 720293 is the only radio that seems to be using the multi block method. I will also note the other three radios have no other activity than the long list of affiliations at that time interval.

These four radios do happen to fall in the range of Derby. Derby is dispatched on Suburban Law, but I'm unsure if these radios belong to them or where they may have them.

System -- Sedgwick County P25

[Group Affiliation Response -- WACN 91FC2 SYS 001 Source 0AFDA5 Foreign 01C5 Announce 0000 Group 0000 Global Accept]

05:06:06.172 573 37 FD 00 0A FD A5 82 28 91 FC 3B 38
05:06:06.172 573 20 01 01 C5 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00
05:06:06.172 573 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8F 0A 9E 48
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Sep 15, 2003
Oakland County Michigan
I'll look into it. Pro96Com is only handling the 2 TSBK version of this message at the moment. I'll take a look at the spec and see if I can add the 3 TSBK version.

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