Problem on Speaker Output

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Oct 25, 2010
I have problem on Input EXT. SPEAKER on my BCD536HP

I connect My BCD536HP -> EXT.speaker-> "Cable Male to Male" -> SOUNDCARD USB -> My PC

After a time (every time other time) the device stops audio transmission, (also a keyboard sound)
I need to do to fix turning OFF and ON my device

Does anyone know what is the solution?
Maybe I need to use other cable?

* Attach photos


Oct 25, 2010
Are you sure that the solution to my problem?
No noise, transmission stops to fix turning on and off of the device.


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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Are you sure that the solution to my problem?
No noise, transmission stops to fix turning on and off of the device.

Check your power settings or sleep mode settings on your computer. It sounds like your computer may be going to sleep or there is a power saving setting enabled for your sound device.

And yes, you do need the ground loop adapter as mentioned due to the BTL output the 4/536HP's use on the ext speaker out jack.

You might also try the front headphone port plugged into the computer instead of using the rear ext speaker jack. It is a slightly better match for the computers input.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 22, 2014
Sulphur, Louisiana 70663
There are two audio outputs on this device...the one on the back is a mono so use a 1/8 mono plug and the one on the front is a stereo...patch those out into your stereo amp and you in business!


Oct 25, 2010
kruser , it's not the computer's sleep problem

lelanjlaborde, Headphone input = noises a PC connection


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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO

It is likely going to be a computer issue then.

Or, the cable used between radio and computer is shorting the radio's output causing the radio to shutdown its amp chip to prevent damage.
The same thing can happen if you do not have the Ground Loop Isolator like in the link you posted earlier today.

Did you try using the Headphone jack on front of the 536?
Plug that into the Line (preferred) or Mic input on computer and see if audio stays running.

If noisy, your 536 may need the Headphone Fix which requires it be sent in to Uniden.
That was fixed in new models but if you bought yours used or have had it since they came out, it may need the headphone jack fixed.
Here's the link to the thread about the headphone jack being noisy:

I'd guess Uniden will still fix this problem for free along with the other issues that have came up since.

Good Luck

edit: Using the rear Speaker Out jack into a computer sound card input is almost too hot or loud for a computer to handle the signal. Reduce the volume on the 536 to a minimum and raise it on the computer instead so you don't overload the computers input. To much input signal into your soundcard could be shutting the sound card down.
Also make sure you use a stereo connector if trying the front headphone jack as a mono plug will short the headphone jack output.
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The rear speaker port is for an un-amplified mono speaker and has a good amount of power coming off of it, you should be using the headphone stereo jack to the PC card sound card Line In. If your audio is popping, this can be reduced by turning the sound cards audio Line_IN volume down, and the scanners volume up, the click and pop you are hearing is the Audio Amp in the scanner powering up and down for the transmission, it is only exacerbated by the audio Line In being set too HIGH and the scanners volume to low.

If you are hearing whats called Motor-boating that has to do with other settings in the Systems area of the scanner.

Also, if you are using different ac power outlets for the sound input device, scanner and laptop, you maybe causing a condition called a GROUND LOOP, hence why it was suggested to get a ground loop isolator, you can try to minimize the ground loop my using all 3 devices on a single 6 outlet Power Strip
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Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
Also, if you are using different ac power outlets for the sound input device, scanner and laptop, you maybe causing a condition called a GROUND LOOP, hence why it was suggested to get a ground loop isolator, you can try to minimize the ground loop my using all 3 devices on a single 6 outlet Power Strip

Also the need for a Ground Loop Isolator when trying to use the rear external speaker jack is the fact the 536HP has what's called a BTL driven output.
That means both the sleeve and tip of the jack or plug are NOT grounded to the radio chassis or power ground.
When you plug that jack into most computers, it grounds the sleeve of the output jack and essentially shorts out half of the audio amps output.
Using a ground loop isolator will eliminate that short if using the rear jack. A ground loop isolator can also prevent an unamplified speaker from working though as most are not really intended for amplified sources.
They will pass plenty of audio to drive a sound cards sensitive inputs though.
Ground Loop Isolators are made that work on amplified circuits as well that still let the amp see an 8 ohm load. Those kind are not usually needed on a scanner that only puts out a couple watts of power though.
Most isolators are intended for the pre-amp stage where the impedance is high and the power is very low. Throw some cheap isolators on an amplified output of 10 watts or more and they will fry.
Most ground isolators will also not supply the 4 to 16 ohm load the amplifier is looking for but the amps used in todays scanners are very forgiving and don't seem to mind a high impedance load on the output.

I built my own isolator so I could use an amplified speaker on my 536.
I used a 1:1 audio transformer that could handle maybe 10 watts of RMS audio power. It provided about 32 ohms at its input so the 536 was not running into a high impedance load. The amplified speaker is a Motorola made to accept speaker level input signals. I still needed to insert a resistor on the speaker side of my transformer to tame the audio level down. I ended up putting in a series resistor in one line as well as a resistor across the two lines to bring the impedance back down to what the speaker liked to see across its input. It was designed to amplify an audio amps output that drove an 8 ohm load but the speaker could actually handle a much greater impedance range across its input. I think the specs said up to 1,000 ohms down to 4 ohms. My impedance after my resistors came out about 50 ohms.
Before I added the resistors, I could only turn the 536 up to 2 before it blew me away! After I added the resistors, I can set the 536 to about 5 for perfect volume in my noisy environment. If I set the 536 at 10, you can hear it down the street a long way. Go even higher and you can hear it over a jackhammer if needed.
It's actually overkill for my needs but I could not find an unamplified speaker that gave me what I needed so going amplified with a home brewed ground isolator did the trick.

Somewhere in one of the Uniden forums, a user posted several home brew schematics to properly get the audio out of a 536 external speaker port but I don't recall who that was. He had drawings for using external amplified speakers as well as for those that wanted to feed the audio into a computer or other external amplifiers that only have sensitive high impedance inputs.

Many do not know that neither side of the external speaker jack on the 536 are not grounded and grounding the sleeve or shield side of the jack will actually short out half of the amplifier.

The headphone jacks sleeve is grounded as far as I know. So using it for a signal into a computer is the better choice if you don't want to mess with ground loop isolator's. Like you mentioned though, different ground potentials between the scanner and computer could create hum or other noise so an isolator may still be needed.

Here's a link to a good post about using the EXT speaker jack:
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Nov 12, 2002
Check the USB port settings. It may be set to sleep even though the PC as a whole is not going to sleep.


In Windows 7 its Under Control Panel then under Power Options


  • controlPanelPowerOptionsUSB.jpg
    33.2 KB · Views: 467


Oct 25, 2010
The computer will not go to sleep ...

After starting the problem
I disconnect connecting a rear speaker
And the internal speaker does not work

Only after TrunOff and on of the scanner is returning to talk ...


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
The computer will not go to sleep ...

After starting the problem
I disconnect connecting a rear speaker
And the internal speaker does not work

Only after TrunOff and on of the scanner is returning to talk ...

So the audio amp in the 536 is shutting down then or the jack in the 536 is bad but being as a power cycle restores it, that tells me the amp chip in the radio is shutting down.

Most likely from not having the ground loop isolator but it could be defective radio also.

For the power saving thing, you need to look at the USB Hubs and Root Hubs in Device Manager. Right click on each USB device and view the devices properties. Many USB devices and hubs have a Power tab where you can uncheck the box to allow the device to be powered down.
This is separate from the power settings screenshot you showed.

I don't think that is the problem now that you mentioned when you unplug the speaker wire, the 536 internal speaker still does not work until you power cycle the radio. That tells me the amp in the 536 is shutting down. Probably because of the short created due to no ground loop isolator yet.
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