Problem reports of no audio-repeatedly addressed but still being notified


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
This is regarding my feed at: TAC9 Public Safety Notification System Live Audio Feed

I'm getting a bit frustrated, not at Gordon or any of the people at the Broadcastify end, but what appears to be a listener or listeners that are wasting their (and my) time.

I received the following email from Broadcastify yesterday afternoon. I was out of town, so today is the first day I was able to look at the issue.
TAC9Feed email.PNG
This is just the last one in a series of many just like it that I have received over the past few months.

Checking the feed, there were no issues with it at all. Checking the Recording logs, it shows that between 1938 hrs on 6/10 and 1747 hrss on 6/11 (the time the email was received) there was a total of one transmission on the channel.
Shortly after that, the channel became busy with traffic.

All audio archive recordings on Broadcastify match up with the local timestamps on my log, there is no missed traffic. There is, however 23 hours of audio recordings in the archive that have a total of 11.16 seconds of traffic, which is why I am not upset with Broadcastify notifying me of a problem.

The last two times this happened, I sent emails to Gordon's email address explaining this and asking him to let the reporter know that the channel is usually only busy when something is actually going on-it is, after all, a notification network, not a department, but never heard back.

It takes me a while to research and confirm that all messages are actually matching up in both the archives and my local files, how do I keep this from bothering the admins and causing all of us unnecessary work?


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
We've experienced the same sorts of issue with some of the official feeds we host. Some come to us directly from members reporting "no audio", and from time to time the report comes from Gordon with no indication as to who reported an issue to him, and as you noted, usually no reply from Gordon if you reach out to him.

Oh and so far 100% of these "no audio" reports over the years have been bogus. We take great pride in maintaining our official feeds, which run on multiple dedicated Instreamers connected directly to the system comparators, and haven't gone offline or had audio issues due to anything on our end in actual years. Only BCFY server issues have taken them down, and the "no audio" is always due to low activity, which many people can't seem to grasp the concept of some channels simply aren't that busy. :rolleyes:

Yes, it's frustrating.


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
And since I made the original post, there have been 3 more messages from Broadcastify with no problems found on my end. I would have at least hoped that someone associated with Broadcastify would have chimed in.