Programming techniques

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Dec 6, 2019
So I've seen the F0/S0/D0 fields filled with numbers or "*". I assume its a programming technique that I'm totally unaware and clueless about. Can someone give me a quick lesson on how those fields are used properly and effectively?


Dec 6, 2019
Read about quick keys. A number means a quick key is assigned and on, an * means quick key is assigned but off, and a dash means a quick key is not assigned. F=favorites list quick key; S=system quick key; D=department/site quick key.
I'm sorry, I don't understand the reason to show/set the three. I have 5 or 6 favorites, each is a different trunk or conventional set. Why, or how, would I use the other two constructively?


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
I'm sorry, I don't understand the reason to show/set the three. I have 5 or 6 favorites, each is a different trunk or conventional set. Why, or how, would I use the other two constructively?
You are not "required" to use "quick keys". But when used properly, they provide a simple method for you to turn on, or off, specific Favorites lists, Systems, Departments, or Sites. Sure, you can always go into the scanner's menu, then drill down into your programming and manually turn lists, systems, sites, etc, on or off by setting the Avoid status, but it's much easier to just assign Quick Keys correctly.


Nov 14, 2010
You may like this thread which has some suggestions on various ways to utilize quick keys …



Nov 14, 2010
This is the system I use the most ….
I use the number pad layout to visualize some geographic quick keys so I didn’t have to memorize them. For instance, the keypad is laid out as follows:


If you visualize the county you are in as 5, then county 2 is north, county 6 is east, county 8 is south, county 4 is west, county 1 is northwest, etc.


Retired... Get off my lawn!
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Hampshire County, WV
JT gave you the best place to check for an explanation on how to use quick key controls... I too, found them a bit difficult to use at first.

Steve also speaks truth when he mentions that you don't have to use them at all.

I'd like to offer a middle path: Rather than passing on quick keys in their entirety, I'd suggest that you start with just using favorites lists... There's not much to it--it's a sort of quick key light. You just assign each fav list with a number--I use numbers 1 through 15. Turning them on/off is as simple as pressing the number on the touch pad, and confirming with E/Yes. That allows plenty of control to start out with, and you don't have to get too familiar with the Systems, Departments, Sites hierarchy and their associated little dots of fun.

I rarely have the need or desire to specify anything below the favorites list level, and I certainly don't feel that I'm missing out in any way with my SDS200.

Happy to walk you through my methodology if you'd care try it--just drop me a message / convo.

Hope that helps.


Dec 6, 2019
So, if I have a favorite that has a mix of trunk systems in it, I can disable or turn that trunk system off from every favorite that may be active? Or a channel that is common in all the favorites? Is that the point?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
I use them to isolate my Favorites/System/Departments to what I'm listening to or where I'm located. I live in Illinois, travel to Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and when I'm there, I can easily turn on or off a county to control what I'm listening to.

Indiana has it's own favorite list (81), each county is assigned a system 1, 2, 3 etc. (81.1/81.2/81.3), and on each system is the site(s) per the county I'm in (no quick key used). I can then break it down further to police (1), Fire (2) Etc. If I don't want to monitor Fire Departments for example I press (81.1.2 Enter) Off appears and I know I further isolated my listening.

I also can assign the State Police their own System number, to isolate my monitoring to highways. In that system, I program all the sites of counties I pass through (No quick key assigned) and they have their own System (21). If I'm traveling the Indiana Toll Road (Dist.21), I can simply press (81.21).

I don't use GPS, or import from the database, but do it myself. My scanner is set up my way, and isolated to what I would like to listen to in the specific area I'm in. This is just one example..


Dec 6, 2019
Fascinating. I think I get it. It seems to eliminate a TON of redundant "favorite list" creations and switching by allowing selective choices within the favorites? Also seems to almost be necessary since many system types share a single trunking system? I think I can see a way to eliminate two or three favorites by using the other selections. Up to this time, I have police on one favorite, fire on another, and so on. I was turning on, or off, the favorites that I didn't want to listen to at first. Seems to have a lot of redundant trunk frequency scanning over and over hence wasting scan time, when it could be caught the first scan. Probably a good reason why I feel like scanning is slow.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Chicago , IL
Fascinating. I think I get it. It seems to eliminate a TON of redundant "favorite list" creations and switching by allowing selective choices within the favorites? Also seems to almost be necessary since many system types share a single trunking system? I think I can see a way to eliminate two or three favorites by using the other selections. Up to this time, I have police on one favorite, fire on another, and so on. I was turning on, or off, the favorites that I didn't want to listen to at first. Seems to have a lot of redundant trunk frequency scanning over and over hence wasting scan time, when it could be caught the first scan. Probably a good reason why I feel like scanning is slow.

If the departments are on the same system/site, it would be less redundant to use the group quick keys as I do in my example for each department.

If you discover 1 system, 2 different sites for police and fire, you can add the additional sites to 1 system. Experiment and sees what works best.

If you discover analog or DMR systems, you can create new systems under the same favorite list, and can turn them on or off using the same key sequence (1.1/1.2 as an example).
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