ProScan: ProScan on Virtualbox?


Feb 14, 2007
Has anyone successfully run ProScan in Virtualbox?
I run Windows 10 on a Linux system and am trying to get Proscan to talk to my SDS100 and 200 using the USB connections. Proscan works great on the 200 with an IP connection, but neither scanner seems to communicate with a serial connection.
The USB cables and ports work fine; I can upload and download FL's to both scanners in mass storage mode. In ProScan, when I select the port (i.e 4) and then 'set', the bottom of the main screen shows the port being opened and the baud rate but the screen is blank. None of the radio buttons do anything. No error messages either.
Anybody have suggestions?



Premium Subscriber
Jul 21, 2009
Reno, NV
Have you found a resolution for this yet? I'm running Windows 10 on Proxmox using the USB pass through and having the same issue. Windows is only seeing the port as a USB Serial Device, and proscan is not seeing it as the radio. It's acting like it needs to actually see the device itself as the BCD-436 instead of just a USB Serial Port. Linux sees the device correctly


DXpeditioner, RRDB & Google-fu ninja 4 hire
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
Has anyone successfully run ProScan in Virtualbox?
I run Windows 10 on a Linux system and am trying to get Proscan to talk to my SDS100 and 200 using the USB connections.
Yes, works fine on my Win 11 (previously 10) Virtualbox, I run Kubuntu natively. What Linux distro are you running? Here's what worked for me: If your USB controllers aren't showing up in settings then you'll need to download & install the virtualbox extension pack, install guest additions on the VM in addition to running a few terminal scripts. The whole process is outlined here
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Feb 14, 2007
Yes, works fine on my Win 11 (previously 10) Virtualbox, I run Kubuntu natively. What Linux distro are you running? Here's what worked for me: If your USB controllers aren't showing up in settings then you'll need to download & install the virtualbox extension pack, install guest additions on the VM in addition to running a few terminal scripts. The whole process is outlined here
My host is running KDE Neon 6 (based on Ubuntu 22.04). I'm running Windows 10 in Virtualbox 6.1. I've got guest additions installed.
USB controller is visible in Windows and works fine for other USB devices. USB works fine for storage mode for both the 200 and 100.
Connecting the USB cable and selecting Serial mode causes ProScan to recognize that there is a serial port there. Once I select the port in ProScan, nothing happens. The scanner display (on the pc) remains blank. No error messages.

I tried moving my VM over to a new installation of Kubuntu 24.04 and Virtualbox 7.0 with exactly the same results.