Did it do that before upgrading to Win 10? ---------Not that I ever noticed.
Are you using the Activity or VOX mode?------------Activity
The next time it happens, before you restart ProScan, check the following:
1) See if the virtual display in ProScan is updating.--------------- I blieve it is updating
2) See if the History Logging is logging normally.---------------- History is seems to be logging ok
3) See if the audio meter moves in the Audio Control - Recorder tab.---------I'm sure they where
4) If no audio in step 3 then change the Input Sound Device to None then back to what it was before.
Would you post the recording of the blank audio here.-------------The blanks are not showing up in the recording folder, the blanks are on the Recorder Log tab when I highlight one and press the Play button there is just a couple minutes of silence.
Some of this is from memory, I will check in the morning to make sure.
Thanks for taking time to help.
P.S. I meant to ask, Can it record while the PC is asleep?