Does anyone have any info on a discrim. tap for these? Looks like I'll need one, can't get any decoding s/w to work with audio or the built in tap on the data cable. Gota hate that on a new $500.00 toy. Thanks for all the info............
There ya go, blame it all on a brand new scanner.
1. You have to make sure to turn CCDUMP ON.
PGM, then
- scroll down to bottom usign arrow keys
- toggle
CCDUMP ON with the left-right arrow key
- Save the settings
2. Did you install the driver off of CD? You've got to install the driver in order for the OS to know what the cable is. Once you think you've done that, plug the cable into the scanner and then into your USB Port on your computer. Then wait for it to indicate that it detected the cable. Then go look in Control Panel / System / Hardware / Device Manager / Ports (COM & LPT) and find out what COM port the USB cable is associated with.
Then set up your application appropriately. Tune to a known control channel (that you can hear audibly and reliably) and see what happens.
Sure, it could be the scanner, but more likely operator error. It happens to everyone sometime.