Jono40141 said:
I enabled the spectrum sweeper on one of my "banks" and now I want it off and I don't know how to get it off. I have tried to reverse process of the original directions, but this does not help. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I appreciate the help The Sweeper scans while also scanning my programmed channels. It takes a long time for the sweeper to do its thing and I want rid of it because it usually just stops on interference channels.
My guess is that the sweeper object is assigned to more than one scanlist (or bank as you described it)
To Edit/Remove the Sweeper object do this:
Press PGM
Press F2 (EDIT)
Scroll right usung the right arrow until SWPR appears on the screen
Press F3 (SWPR)
The scanner should find the first sweeper object.
If you want to edit the object (and change it's scan list assignments), press F2 and edit what you need to.
If you want to delete the object, press FUNC, then CL, then F1(YES).