Well Known Member
Using a PSR-800 on a P25 trunking system, should a site with 800 MHz rebanded frequencies be set to standard or auto fill?
If you do a factory reset, do it before loading the new file. That is not the file I sent you. Everything in Barrens Co was totally wiped out. It looks like you did a library update. As configured with the scan sets, you will not scan anything. I am attaching the original file again. Make sure that you write it to the scanner without changing anything. Do not make changes to the original file (Niles Michigan 2). If you make any changes in the configuration, save it to a different file name. The original file has been renamed Niles Michigan 2 to avoid any confusion the old name may cause. Go to the File tab. Click on Restore From Archive. Click on Niles Michigan 2 and Open. You will get a message: Overwrite Warning. Continue with Restore? Click Yes. The file will load into your configuration. Go to Scanner/SD Card tab. Click on Copy Configuration To Scanner Memory/SD Card. When Proceed with Copy shows, click Yes. If drive is correct, click Continue. It should start writing to the scanner. If another screen appears, Click on Copy Folders.Hello I have done what you have said to do not having luck. It is not your fault it is on my end a lack of knowledge. I am wondering should I do a factory reset and start from the beginning If you agree if you could give me a step by step I probaly can get this done . Thanks for all your help so far . Here is what you sent me . I tried renaming file it would not let me . Anyway thanks for all your patience ... Take Care going to work soon