PSR500 newbie

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Nov 12, 2006
I've just received my brand new Psr500 and I have two questions to help me get started if anyone would be willing to help me out.
I loaded the V folder for my area but how do I unload it to get back to the original program mode so I can start making scan lists in "main memory"?
My plan is to set up my scan lists and then possibly create my own V folders for specific areas. I will delete all of the factory v folders except the one for my area so I can use it in a pinch if I have to.
Once I get this accomplished I'll no doubt have more questions for this group and the ARC500 group since I also am in that learning curve as well.
The only other question I have at the moment is I checked my version numbers on the start up screen and would like to know if they are the latest.
While holding "3" and powering up, the information is as follows:
uP App1 Ver: F1.1
DSP App Ver: F1.1
DSP Voc Ver: F1.0
Since this is a brand new unit from ScannerMaster I assume they are the latest releases and I did check GRE's website but their numbers confused me a little.
Forgive me as I learn my new toy and thanks for being patient.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Try loading V-scanner 00, which I think is blank. That'll let you do what you want for the time being.

Also you can continue using the existing V-file that works for your area, and just lock out or delete the systems that you don't want. You can put your own stuff in any scanlist you want. YOu can save it all to V-scanner 00 as a working file, and the original V-scanner file will still be available in its existing slot just as clean as the day you bought the radio.

For example:

I might start witih 04 - "Virginia other". But I might decide that I don't want Lynchburg, Roanoke, Norfolk, etc. in my Richmond working file. I can either lock out or delete their TSYS objects and this will automatically lock out or delete the TGRP objects associated with them. (Leaving the scanlists they're in available for me to put my own stuff in.)

I'd then store my modified file in V-scanner slot 00 and give it whatever name I want.

Later, if I need my original V-scanner with Lynchburg Roanoke etc. intact, I just load it again from slot 04.

It's just like opening a word processing document, modifying it and saving it under another name. The original file is still available in its original condition if you haven't resaved it to the original name.

I hope this helps.

73/Allen (N4JRI)


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
You can load V-Scanner 0, this is the scratchpad with nothing in it. then you can save it into that V-scanner location and then go back to it as needed.

you do have the latest firmware. You can get all the information here:


Nov 12, 2006
Thanks guys.
I think I figured out why I am having difficulty. I was thinking that "working memory" is somehow different from the current "V-Folder" that I'm listening to. When in fact, if I understand this correctly, the current "V-Folder" that I'm listening to IS the "working memory". Have I got this right??? And I can do any thing I want to do with this current "V-Folder" which contains multiple "scanlists" and then save it. Then I can load,edit, save etc. additional "V-Folders" and do the same with those as well.
I think I'm getting myself hung up on the terminology but I'm beginning to understand now with your guys kind help. Thanks.


Silent Key Jan. 14, 2012
May 11, 2002
Eclipse, Virginia
Yes on "working memory". Download it to ARC500, edit and save the file with a name. Edit as desired and if needed save to new name or just save and return the new file to scanner.

I was a beta tester for ARC500 (still providing feedback) and it is coming along very well...lagging a little behind the other two softwares but will be up to speed soon. I think he plans to have VC operational in minimized form also.


Nov 12, 2006
Thanks fmon.
I had played around with the idea of trying out the other software but I am comfortable with my copy of ARC396PRO so I decided I would stay with the ARC500 program.
Gommert has indeed confirmed the "mini VC" window is slated for a future release.
I am still in the learning curve with the radio and software but it's slowly coming along. I enjoyed learning the BC396D and it's related software and DMA memory structure and I look forward to learning the PSR500 and it's software and "V-Folder" structure.
Thanks again for your input and I'm confident I'll have more questions in the future.
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