Pueblo County AMR (American Medical Response) Dispatch

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Jan 19, 2014
Pueblo, Colorado
AMR Pueblo Dispatch.
I am having difficulties locating the correct information for monitoring Pueblo AMR Dispatch.
I have the AMR to Parkview Hospital, CO DTRS TG 136 and AMR to St. Mary Corwin Hospital, CO DTRS TG 113, and these two are working fine.
The Pueblo County database shows CO DTRS TG 4897, but I am unable to get any coms on this. I've read that they may use sites Ski Summit, 4-13 and/or Mount Pittsburg, 4-18, so I enabled these two sites, with no success. (It is odd that theese two sites fall into the numerical area of ElPaso County, not Pueblo County)
I then enabled all sites in Pueblo County and Southern ElPaso County, again with no success. I can catch ElPaso County dispatch, but not Pueblo, with these sites enabled.
I found that they have a LTR Passport system, which I've read cannot be tracked, but even if it can't be tracked, I would think it would be audible, just not necissarily intelligible, but at least garbled on the frequencies listed.
The TGID listed is not correct. It is for Denver AMR, so I built the site (Baculite Mesa), Site 004, with the frequencies listed for the LTR system, and initiated a search, again with no success.
Doing an FCC search, I found three more frequencies, which I suspect are used for the dispatch center to communicate with the antenna on Baculite Mesa. I have tried putting all 6 of these frequencies into a Conventional System, leaving it open while scanning, and never get any hits on them. Here again, I would anticipate getting partial transmissions, or at least garbled transmissions, but again, nothing.
If you have any suggesionts or advice, I'd appreciate hearing it.
If I am incorrect in any of this, please let me know this as well. I'm still learning (for life).
If you prefer to send me a PM, I'm fine with that as well.


Nov 24, 2013
I don't have much to add other than the TGID of 4897 hasn't made a peep on my scanner for the last two months.

Located in Pueblo as well.


Jan 19, 2014
Pueblo, Colorado
RE AMR Dispatch Pueblo Colorado

Thank you for your response. It does have value in that I now know that it isn't something I've done wrong, or something going wrong with my scanner.
Let's hope someone out there has a solution for us. I keep trying, but so far, no luck. I'll PM you should I find something.
Again, thank you for your response!
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