I know that it's usually turned on during the more critical situations, but what is it's purpose?
key2_altfire said:You guys mean the "beep... beep... beep... beep..." that's heard between voice transmissions?
mkewman said:A lot of cops also *think* that the beeper covers them or prevents them from transmitting.
pfish said:Not only does it prevent them from transmitting over here, it also covers them!
Fun stuff.
N_Jay said:Then your department had an idiot design the system! :roll: :roll:
antfreq said:The major TRS in Sacramento has issues with the beeper (air clear marker) covering the units. It's been addressed a gazillion times and the word has been... Nothing can be done to fix it.
antfreq said:The major TRS in Sacramento has issues with the beeper (air clear marker) covering the units. It's been addressed a gazillion times and the word has been... Nothing can be done to fix it.
Officers and dispatchers often have to time their transmissions to avoid the beep. It's not uncommon to simply turn off the marker when traffic is very heavy and it's not going to beep much anyways.