Q on G31DDC 'EXCALIBUR' CSV File (possibly again?)

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Jan 6, 2013
Hi all,

my first post here at Radioreference (what a brilliant site - have learnt so much from you all)

My apologies up front if I am asking an "old ground" question but, I tried searching older posts and hopefully have done my homework in this respect here. Happy to do more if I've missed the obvious.

I have an Excalibur G31DDC and I've finally tried creating a memory file using the CSV format for bulk entries and using what was suggested in the Winradio on-screen help (quite basic info that seems to make sense if it all worked)

I've found that when entering freqs in MHz all is well but when trying entries with kHz, come post import load time, I just get a memory file with everything in MHz. So for example, if I put in 12345kHz I end up with 12345MHz effectively and the radio just tunes to the 30MHhz end of the spectum uselessly.

I'm running the latest Winradio load v 1.61

Has anyone had any luck with trying the CSV memory load or recently?




Jan 6, 2013
Well I gave up on entering kHz as such into the file the original way I was doing it. May be it's just not meant to be done that way? May be it's just the way I interpreted things? A few more descriptive words around all of it from Winradio may help however, no matter.

So I exported the memory file again in CSV format, unlocked the entire spreadsheet and cut and pasted the frequencies column into a new spreadsheet and messed around for a while trying this and that to get it how I wanted. Finally I used a 'formula' to just divide all freqs (in the erroneous kHz format)in Colum 'A' by 1000 and dump the result in columb 'B' which turned everything into MHz (which I think is all the memory file is going to deal with) and cut and pasted the result (now MHz) it back into the original spreadsheet.

Having imported the file back into the Excalibur and "Yipee" I'm back in business.

So for me, it may be slightly annoying not being able to just input frequency lists straight off that are in kHz format but, a quick bit of XL massaging and it'sit's at least doable.
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