i have our pagers setup and everything is working almost perfectly, my one issue is that when our tones are put out the two tone pair is put out twice. our minitors would do the standard alert tone twice (each time the tone pair was received), the unication receives the twon tone an alerts the first time but then just plays the second tone as a scanner would. I believe the issue is somewhere in the Delay N or Record delay feature. Would i have to shorten one of those so it sees the second tone as a new transmission. (right now i believe they are both set to 15) if i shorten the delay N to 1 second will it see the second pair as a new transmission and then alert but keep recording? i have the sub group feature set to selective manual reset so that after a page it reverts to our dispatch and ops 1 and ops 2 TG until the user resets. Sorry for all the questions, i know im pretty close just not sure if what im trying is even possible