Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong section, I didn't see anything relating to specific frequencies.
I'm just curious about using the 800 Mhz frequency, I saw on the FCC site that 800 Mhz has been vacated, Does that mean it's free to use or what rules apply to using it? I ask because I have a couple Motorola GTX mobiles in the 800 Mhz band split and a bunch of HT750's in the same split and was wondering what I can do with them if anything.
I'm just curious about using the 800 Mhz frequency, I saw on the FCC site that 800 Mhz has been vacated, Does that mean it's free to use or what rules apply to using it? I ask because I have a couple Motorola GTX mobiles in the 800 Mhz band split and a bunch of HT750's in the same split and was wondering what I can do with them if anything.