Was at the dmv and saw some security officers carrying around with
Harris XG-75 Multimode Portable Radio
Harris XG-75 Multimode Portable Radio
They are wearing shirts that says warrens county security officer
For now it's 453.175 (Jefferson County) but there'll be a new radio system on the air soon.What’s that frequency
is it?That’s the frequency for the dmv in lake George dmv
"...151.1375, 154.4525, 155.7525, 158.7325, 159.4725..."
And, unless they are misusing these frequencies, don't expect to find them here, as each of them are designated as national interoperability channels; VTAC11, VTAC12, VCall10, VTAC13, and VTAC14 respectively.
i have had them in my scanner and i haven't heard anything off of any of the frequencies