First off I am new to digital scanning, i have a radio shack pro-197 and will soon have the GRE psr 500 as well, I did seem to get my scanner up and running for the most part. My question is, How do we know what talk groups are available to us via our location. for instance from the list it made sense to load the 2 duluth sites (5 (5) 043 (2B) Duluth - Simulcast) and (5 (5) 067 (43) Molde - Duluth North) from that so far i am hearing Duluth police on talkgroup 37801 (labled as sheriff) and Duluth Fire Dispatch 37616. all the other talk groups i have programmed for this county do not seem to be active. I am just wondering if there is a way of knowing which sites carry which talkgroups. Im sure im just missing somthing here, as i am a complete newb trying to figure this out. below are a couple things i would like too listen to if someone could help me out.
St Louis County Sheriff Dispatch (analog counterpart was 155.415 on my old scanner)
Id like to program some Duluth area MN State Patrol if possible
any other local law enforcment that seems revelant to the Duluth Area.
St Louis County Sheriff Dispatch (analog counterpart was 155.415 on my old scanner)
Id like to program some Duluth area MN State Patrol if possible
any other local law enforcment that seems revelant to the Duluth Area.